Disc Throws
Names and descriptions of various throws
Original posting by Eric Simon, with additions later by JUDE@gergl1.tamu.edu,
and Adamquerque (puttyhead@aol.com (Puttyhead)).
From: erics@access4.digex.net (Eric Simon)
Newsgroups: rec.sport.disc
Subject: Re: The Fine Art of Throwing
Date: 29 Dec 1994 14:12:20 GMT
Organization: UPA (a/k/a Joshua's daddy)
Sorry - OK, here are some *very* short descriptions (with the assumption
that the thrower is a right hander):
For the Backhand
- Straight throw - this is what I presume you already know. It's most
likely the backhand throw you would make for someone 20 yards up ahead to
the left when no one is covering you. (Note: it's also the throw I would
make for a straight approach shot in disc golf, and, in fact, my Ultimate
game improved here after I started playing disc golf. Rutgers, as you
probably know, has a course).
- Airbounce - already discussed on the net. I use it whenever I want
the disc to hang a bit, or to make a slow throw. It's good when you are
throwing, e.g., to a wide open space and you are expecting your receiver
to outrun his/her defender. Just lay it out there and make 'em run to
get it.
- Inside out - that's a throw that goes to the right and curves to the
left, because the disc is tilted down to the left more than usual. (The
"technical" term is that this throw has lots of "hyzer". This throw
probably marks me as an old-timer and not too many people use it. For
one, you can't throw it when someone is marking you. Nevertheless, when
people are cutting deep from your left to your right, it can be a useful
throw (although the reverse curve forehand is probably better for most
- Reverse Curve - a throw that starts to the left and curves to the
right. This is a very important throw because when a person is marking
you, most backhand throws will be for people cutting from the middle of
the field to your left, and you want the throw to curve into them. Also,
if there is a defender halfway between you and your receiver, this is the
throw that will get it around that defender. The disc is released with
much less hyzer than normal - occasionally even in a position where the
right side of the disc is tilted down.
- High release - this is a short backhand throw that is released flat,
but at about top-of-head level. Since most markers keep their hands low,
this is a good throw to break the mark if you're throwing short. With a
quick release, it is very hard to block.
For the forehand - you have pretty much just the opposite:
- Straight throw - obvious.
- Inside-out - the disc is tilted *way* down to the left and can be
used to throw a forehand to the left side of the field when the marker is
trying to force you to the right side of the field.
- Reverse curve - kinds of the opposite of #2. It curves from the
right to the left. It is just as essential, and used for the same
reasons, as backhand #4 above.
- Blade - an extreme verson of the reverse curve - it goes high up in
the air and curves to the left. Excellent for throwing around and above
defenders, but difficult to control in the wind (esp a crosswind), and
difficult for many to catch.
- Lift Pass - (I don't really know what you would call this).
It's a simple back hand whith a much lower spin to
upward lift ratio. Keeping the disc parallel to the ground
with a backhand grip, bring it up and release at shoulder
level, at the last munute putting a little spin on the disc
with a slight flick of the wrist. The flight is path will
be parabolic ideally. It's essentially a very short pass
with the flight time increased. This is an excellent throw
in high wind situations. (If anyone else can better describe
this throw, please be my guest).
- Scoobie - (aka Scoober, Scooper, Keep that in your pocket showboat).
The disc is held just like a hammer and is thrown like
one, but it's all wrist, no arm. Good for breaking the force
over the right shoulder of your marker. Not good for more
than 8-10 yards.
- Thumber -
The inverse of a hammer in terms of flight path.
The grip is the tricky part to explain. Extend hand
palm up, thumb opposed. Place disc in hand (bottom up) so
the dome is resting on your fingers. Rotate the far edge
of the disc clockwise until the rim comes to rest upon the
side of your thumb. Keep your grip loose when you throw.
Arm should be at about a 45 to 50 degree angle. Use
more wrist than arm.
- Squanto -
Hold disc upside down with thumb inside rim, release as you
would a blade. (settles upside down like overhead. There is an
as-yet-unnamed version of this in which the release is more over your head
and it flies in a more right-side-up manner, but definitely on a high
blade arc.)
- Falafel -
Hold disc with thumb and pinky along outside edge, other
three fingers on top (tricky, but can be done... sort of like palming a
basketball). Throw in backhand motion. Very push-passish.
Well - there ya' go. That should get you started. Hope it helps.
-- Eric