The Home of Quantum Resonance Theory Matt C. Keener |
Press the back button now!You have discovered a repository of uninteresting nostalgia and unimpressive trivia. Or perhaps not. This was originally the homepage of quantum resonance theory proposed in 1999 (PDF of copyright documentation). This has also become the homepage of quantum resonance spirituality proposed in 2024.
REGARDING SOCIAL MEDIAMy only social media account is LinkedIn and I do not use it much. I seldom sign in. If you meet others on other social media platforms claiming to be me, they are not me. |
NEWS August 2024: Posted the beliefs of quantum resonance spirituality. January 2022: Finished a revision (PDF) on the topic of quantum resonance theory. March 2020: Finished a novel. May 2017: Moved to Colorado for personal reasons. Looking for new teaching opportunities. August 2016: Began teaching as an associate instructor in the Educational Psychology department at the University of Utah. August 2014: Began teaching as an adjunct instructor in the Education Department at Salt Lake Community College. |