Giving New Meaning to Skum


Tribune Archive 1996

ROLLY & WELLS 11/29/96

Salt Lake Tribune

Byline: By Paul Rolly and Joann Jacobsen-Wells


<most snipped>


Deadlines are a pain. Especially after it has been met and it's too late to make a change.

Take the Brigham Young Magazine for BYU alumni. The November issue profiles distinguished graduates. Page 60, where graduates of the 1970s are featured, profiles Gerry Pond for producing a syndicated radio program financed by the LDS Church.

The issue had gone to press before Pond pleaded guilty to lewdness charges involving exploitation of a 14-year-old girl.

Brigham Young Magazine - November 1996
Profiles  ...


Gerry Pond, '70 (Darlene Cook, '69), Taylorsville, UT, is the executive producer of the award-winning Times and Seasons, a s ries of 48 public service radio programs funded by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Page 60

From search engine there were 74 hits on Sept 13 1998 for "gerry pond"

73 were for some executive in Canada and then the following:

Association for Mormon Letters Roundtable (AML-List) Archive for July 16-31, 1996 167 messages

By Jerry Johnston Deseret News staff writer

Journalist Hugh Hewitt calls his series of interviews on PBS "Searching for God in America." But by the time he arrived in Utah, he'd scaled back the dragnet considerably. He was staking out the human heart.


The questions he asked were probing and personal.

"I began my conversation with Elder Maxwell by saying, 'Yes, you and I believe extraordinary things,'" Hewitt told Gerry Pond on Pond's KSL radio broadcast. "Nevertheless, that doesn't turn us into extremists or fanatics. . . . But the modern culture, in the last 40 years, has begun to believe that we are."

It appears that Gerry Pond has dropped off the face of the internet, at least that search engine.

Now when I searched the SLTrib his name as spokesman for the church was all over the place.

More later.


From States News Service

Former Church Spokesman Parole Hearing - (POINT OF THE MOUNTAIN STATE  PRISON) -- Former Mormon church spokesman and convicted child molester Gerry Pond is expected to be denied parole. This week, Pond is at his first parole board hearing since he was sentence to a one- to-15 year prison sentence 18 months ago. He had confessed to attempting to coerce a 14-year-old neighbor into performing oral sex.

[I don't how is spinning this one, but he succeding in getting the young girl to preform oral sex on him]

Ex-Mormon Broadcaster To Be Paroled

(c) The Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- The former host of a Mormon Church radio program will be paroled in February after serving two years for molesting a 14-year-old girl.

The Utah Board of Pardons cited Lloyd Gerald Pond's status as a model inmate and psychological tests that indicated he isn't a pedophile.

Pond, 53, will be released to a halfway house for six months to a year. He will be listed on a sex-offender registry and supervised by parole officers for 10 years.

Pond hosted a weekly radio program for the church and worked nights as a technician at a radio station. He met the girl at church when she was 11 and offered to help her with careers in radio and modeling.

Weekly for the next three years, the girl modeled for him at the radio station, wearing lingerie and swimsuits. Pond asked her to record radio spots that increasingly included sexually explicit phrases.

In November 1996, Pond tricked the girl into performing oral sex. He pleaded guilty to forced sexual abuse and was sentenced to one to 15 years in prison.

AP-NY-09-11-98 0827EDT

Copyright 1998 The Associated Press.  The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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