Professional Massage Therapist, Utah Collage of Massage Therapy October 4, 1999, with honors. 4.0 GPA, 100% attendance, and no tardiness.
Enrichment courses at UCMT Sports Massage Team.
Massage Modalities in order of skill and preference: Swedish Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Sports Massage, Shiatsu, Facilitated Stretching, Sports Injury, Deep Tissue, Russian Sports Massage, Hydrotherapy, Craniosacral, Seated Massage, Infant Massage, Acupressure, Reflexology.
BA. DegreePhotography, Brigham Young University, History Minor, Teaching Certificate with a Journalism major, August 1980.
Attended Graduate SchoolHistory,Brigham Young University,1981.
Completed 783.5 course hours of study, 104.5 hours of Student Practitioner experience during the weekend Student Clinics and 40 hours of Volunteer Pre and Post event massages with the Sports Massage Team.
Completed Introductory Course to Massage, given by the UCMT, March 1999.
Received over 40 massages from Professionally Licensed Massage Therapists in the U.S., Thailand and Hungary as well as from the Student Practitioners in the clinic at the UCMT,thus gaining vital experience.
System Analyst II (3 years) Nu Skin International. Found, resolved and tested Y2K issues. Database Programmer (7 years) Ameritech Library Services, Customer Support Programmer. Programmer (2 years) Sanyo / Icon. Unix / Pick multi-user Application Environment tester. Customer Service / Programmer (2 years) AIS Incorporated. Trained customers and tracked software bugs.
Photography, History, and Computer Science
Teacher (7 years) Taught Computer
Programming and Computer Literacy at Provo Canyon Boys School.
(last 3 years) Taught Photography, and History (first 4 years).
- English,
Italian, C, Visual Basic, Pascal, Data Basic, HTML.
- Play
basketball three times a week, lift weights and do aerobic Kick
- High School
Basketball, Referee 1990 1998.
- Utah State
Historical Society, Utah Valley Chapter, Past President.
- Member of
USHS Historical Text to Computer Conversion project.
- Gave free
massages and practiced on friends, family and acquaintances.
- Worked for 3 months using Sports Massage
with a runner training for the St. George Marathon