The following paper on ranking one's values, used to be a very strong guide for me when I was in my early 20's. When I got these out and looked at them after turning 40, I realized that the idealistic concept of being able to rank such had lost all previous meaning. I even had a journal page, where all my close friends had also filled out the long form. I had charted all the answers, in an attempt to better see where they and myself were comming from. I realize that now I can rank them within groups, but can no longer decide which group is more important than another. Therefore I offer it to you as is. Get any value from it you can.

Now look, using the grouping and perspective that I have added. Rate each group from one to the group total. Then calulate the differences and discuss the greatist variences.

Eternally oriented for self (wants)


Wisdom ___

Salvation ___

Mature love ___

True friendship ___

Family security ___

Moral principles (mode or motivation)


Freedom ___

Accomplishment ___

World of beauty ___

Personal satisfaction (needs)


Happiness ___

Self respect ___

Inner harmony ___

Self preservation of body (necessities)


World of peace ___

Equality ___

National security ___

Physical enjoyment (likes)


Social recognition ___

Pleasure ___

Exciting life ___

A comfortable life ___

This is the original first group, which is in random order. Print twice, you an a close person, rank most important as 1 to least important as 18. Compare the scores of each value, subtracting the smallest from the biggest. Circle the largest 5 differences. Seeing similarly is easy in a relationship, negotiating over the differences is what real life is about.

Social recognition ___

An exciting life ___

National security ___

Equality ___

Mature love ___

Inner harmony ___

A world of beauty ___

Freedom ___

A comfortable life ___

Accomplishment ___

A World of peace ___

Family security ___

Pleasure ___

Salvation ___

Wisdom ___

True friendship ___

Self respect ___

Happiness ___


End of test one.

    Visitors since I started tracking them on Sept. 1st 1996. Last updated 11:59 PM on 9/13/96.