Mormon Central
Mormon Central is created for persons who wish to discover and explore Mormon topics. We intend to provide through high standards of scholarship material that will assist and make understandable some areas in the field of Mormon studies.
This is a non-proselyting Web Site. The format of this site may be changed periodically.
A Chronology: 1816-1844 This is a pdf file.
Church Organization (LDS Church Presidents, Corporation of the President)
Early Events Connected with Joseph Smith Jr. These are pdf files.
Fifty Years Ago and the Egyptian Papyri This is a pdf file.
Joseph Smith uses Stone in a Hat This is a pdf file.
Overview of Mormonism This is a pdf file.
Restoration Scriptures (Book of Mormon, Bible Revision, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price)
Translation (Book of Mormon, King James Bible, Book of Abraham)
Writing the Book of Mormon This is a pdf file.
Papers of H. Michael Marquardt at Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Available to the general public.
Papers of H. Michael Marquardt (449 archival boxes) Collection Inventory This is a pdf file.
Links to other Web Sites by H. Michael Marquardt:
Links to others sites on Mormon History, Mormonism, and Official Restoration Churches Web Sites
As a treasure seer, could Joseph
Smith see in a stone? This is a pdf file.