Some Early Newspaper Articles

Palmyra Freeman (Palmyra, New York) This is a pdf file.

"GOLDEN BIBLE" from the Palmyra Freemen, August 11, 1829

For the New-York Telescope.


The editor of the Palmyra Freeman declared in his paper of August 11th, as follows:- "The Golden Bible is the greatest piece of superstition that has ever come within the sphere of our knowledge."
In the Investigator, No. 12, Dec. 11, I published, by way of caution, a letter of Oliver H. P. Cowdry, in answer to my letter to Joseph Smith, Jun. Martin Harris, and David Whitmore-the believers in the said bible of gold plates-which they affirm they have miraculously, or supernaturally beheld. I sought for evidences, and such as could not be disputed, of the existence of this bible of golden plates. But the answer was-the world must take their words for its existence; and that the book would appear this month.
The editor of the Palmyra Freeman, their neighbour, adds to the above, that "in the fall of 1827, Joseph Smith, of Manchester, Ontario county, reported he had been visited in a dream by the spirit of the Almighty, and informed, that in a certain hill, in that town, was deposited this Golden Bible, containing an ancient record of divine nature and origin. After being thrice visited thus, as he states, he proceeded to the spot, and found the bible, with a huge pair of spectacles. He had been directed, however, not to let any mortal being examine them [i.e. the plates and the stone-eyed spectacles] under no less penalty than instant death!! It was said that the leaves of the bible were plates of gold, about eight inches long, six inches wide, and one-eighth of an inch thick [i.e. 8 plates are one inch thick, 8 long and 6 wide.] On these plates were characters, or hieroglyphics, engraved." The whole of the plates are said to weigh about thirty pounds; which would be in gold near eight thousand dollars, beside the value of the engraving.
One of Joseph Smith's proselytes, Is, continues the Palmyra Freeman, "Martin Harris, an honest and industrial farmer of Palmyra." He is said to have shown some of these characters to Professor Samuel L. Mitchell, of this city, who could not translate them.
Martin Harris returned, and set Joseph Smith to the business of translating them: who, "by placing the spectacles in a hat and looking into them, Joseph Smith said he could interpret these characters."
The editor of the Palmyra Freeman describes Joseph Smith as not being very literate: and that his translation is pronounced, "by his proselytes, to be superior in style, and more advantageous to mankind, than our holy bible!"
I have this month received sixteen pages of this work, from page 353 to 368 inclusive. I cannot perceive any superiority of style in this specimen; not any evidence that this bible is not a book of Joseph Smith's own manufacture. His title-page professed that he was the author of it; and this declaration is evidenced by its style. For in these sixteen pages, I noticed 'yea' was repeated 34 times; and even 21 times in two pages. The words, 'It came to pass,' is repeated 56 times in 16 pages, and even ten times on one page. 'Now' and 'behold,' are reiterated near the commencement of sentences, full thirty times apiece, and more, in these sixteen pages. Consequently these four things are repeated 162 times on the eardrum, while speaking of the war of the Nephites and Lemanites, in the day of Moroni, and reign of the judges, according to the book of Alma.
Thus, in page 359, it is written-"Yea, verily, verily, I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni-yea, the devil would never have no power over the hearts of the children of men: [never to have no power, is ever to have some power.] Behold, he was a man like unto Ammon, the son of Mosiah; yea, and even the other sons of Mosiah; yea, and also, Alma and his sons." Whether this style is equal to our scripture style, the reader can judge.
Again, in pages 353 & 4, it reads thus: "And those who died in the faith of Christ are happy in him, as we must needs suppose." That a weak faith ends this sentence, is manifest.
Again, page 353, is written-"And there was but a few which denied the covenant of freedom." Was should have been were.-Again: "And there were some who died with fevers, which, at some some seasons of the year, was [were] very frequent."
Again, in the next page-"And it came to pass that they would not, or the MORE part, would not obey," &c. The following is the title-page of the Golden Bible, as published in the Palmyra Freeman:-
"The Book of Mormon; an account, writted by the hand of Mormon upon plates, taken from the plates of Nephi:-
"Wherefore it is an abridgement of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, written to the Lamanites, which are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to the Jews and Gentiles; written by way of commandment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation; written and sealed and hid up unto the Lord, that they Might not be destroyed,-to come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof-sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord, to come forth in due time by the way of the Gentile, the interpretation thereof by the gift of God: an abridgement taken from the book of Ether.
"Also, which is a record of the people of Jared, which were scattered at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people, when they were building a tower to get to Heaven; which is to shew unto the remnant Of the house of Israel how great things the Lord hath done for their fathers: and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, That they are not cast off forever; and also To the convincing of Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations. And now, If there be fault it be the mistake of men: wherefore condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment seat of Christ.-By JOSEPH SMITH, Junior, Author and Proprietor."

Thus we are informed that this book of Mormon was written [i.e. engraved] by the hand of Mormon, on plages taken from the plates of Nephi;-wherefore it is [not a transcript, but what a strange conclusion] an abridgement of The record of Nephi, &c. If so, why is it not called the record of Nephi? But what is also strange, this record is "written by way of commandment, and also[and or also is here useless] by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation;" [what an uncommon record of past and known events to the Nephites!] sealed and hid up unto the Lord; sealed by by the hand of Moroni-an abridgement taken from the book of Ether." [Instead of being hid up, it was hid down in the earth of a hill, or in a stone reservoir. It was first said to be an abridgement of the record of Nephi, but it is now said to be an abridgement taken from the book of Ether.] "Also which is a record of the people of Jared, &c. to teach Jew and Gentile, that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God." But lastly, Joseph Smith, jun. declares he is the author of this book of Mormon, this record of Nephi, this book of Ether, this record of Jared's people, who were scattered at the building of the tower of Babel; this convincing work, which is to convert Jew and Gentile to believe that Jesus is the eternal God. Surely our missionaries should take notice of this! "Now if there be fault, it be the mistake of men," says J. S.
This title page is another specimen of superior style, in which one is soon lost-and wonders what J. Smith means; or how can all that is written by the author be true!
These facts are given to caution people not to spend their money uselessly for a book, that is more probable a hoax-or a money-making speculation-or an enthusiastic delusion, than a revelation of facts by the Almighty. C. C. BLATCHLY.

(New-York Telescope, Vol. VI, No. 38, Saturday, February 20, 1830, page 150, original in Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Illinois, emphasis omitted.)

The following account was written by Abram Willard Benton who was a physician and lived at South Bainbridge at the time.

Messrs. Editors--In the sixth number of your paper I saw a notice of a sect of people called Mormonites ; and thinking that a fuller history of their founder, Joseph Smith, jr., might be interesting to [the] community, and particularly to your correspondent in Ohio, where, perhaps, the truth concerning him may be hard to come at, I will take the trouble to make a few remarks on the character of that infamous impostor. For several years preceding the appearance of his book, he was about the country in the character of a glass-looker : pretending, by means of a certain stone, or glass, which he put in a hat, to be able to discover lost goods, hidden treasures, mines of gold and silver, &c. Although he constantly failed in his pretensions, still he had his dupes who put implicit confidence in all his words. In this town, a wealthy farmer, named Josiah Stowell, together with others, spent large sums of money in digging for hidden money, which this Smith pretended he could see, and told them where to dig; but they never found their treasure. At length the public, becoming wearied with the base imposition which he was palming upon the credulity of the ignorant, for the purpose of sponging his living from their earnings, had him arrested as a disorderly person, tried and condemned before a court of Justice. But, considering his youth, (he then being a minor) and thinking he might reform his conduct, he was designedly allowed to escape. This was four or five years ago. From this time he absented himself from this place, returning only privately, and holding clandestine intercourse with his credulous dupes, for two or three years.
It was during this time, and probably by the help of others more skilled in the way of iniquity than himself, that he formed the blasphemous design of forging a new revelation, which, backed by the terrors of an endless hell, and the testimony of base unprincipled men, he hoped would frighten the ignorant, and open a field of speculation for the vicious, so that he might secure to himself the scandalous honor of being the founder of a new sect, which might rival, perhaps, the Wilkinsonians, or the French Prophets of the 17th century.
During the past Summer [of 1830] he was frequently in this vicinity, and others of the baser sort, as [Oliver] Cowdry, Whitmer, etc., holding meetings, and proselyting a few week and silly women, and still more silly men, whose minds are shrouded in a mist of ignorance, which no ray can penetrate, and whose credulity the utmost absurdity cannot equal.
In order to check the progress of delusion, and open the eyes and understandings of those who blindly followed him, and unmask the turpitude and villany of those who knowingly abetted him in his infamous designs; he was again arraigned before a bar of Justice, during last Summer, to answer to a charge of misdemeanor. This trial led to an investigation of his character and conduct, which clearly evinced to the unprejudiced, whence the spirit came which dictated his inspirations. During the trial it was shown that the Book of Mormon was brought to light by the same magic power by which he pretended to tell fortunes, discover hidden treasures, &c. Oliver Cowdry, one of the three witnesses to the book, testified under oath, that said Smith found with the plates, from which he translated his book, two transparent stones, resembling glass, set in silver bows. That by looking through these, he was able to read in English, the reformed Egyptian characters, which were engraved on the plates.
So much for the gift and power of God, by which Smith says he translated his book. Two transparent stones, undoubtedly of the same properties, and the gift of the same spirit as the one in which he looked to find his neighbor's goods. It is reported, and probably true, that he commenced his juggling by stealing and hiding property belonging to his neighbors, and when inquiry was made, he would look in his stone, (his gift and power) and tell where it was. Josiah Stowell, a Mormonite, being sworn, testified that he positively knew that said Smith never had lied to, or deceived him, and did not believe he ever tried to deceive anybody else. The following questions were then asked him, to which he made the replies annexed.
Did Smith ever tell you there was money hid in a certain place which he mentioned? Yes. Did he tell you, you could find it by digging? Yes. Did you dig? Yes. Did you find any money? No. Did he not lie to you then, and deceive you? No! the money was there, but we did not get quite to it! How do you know it was there? Smith said it was! Addison Austin was next called upon, who testified, that at the very same time that Stowell was digging for money, he, Austin, was in company with said Smith alone, and asked him to tell him honestly whether he could see this money or not. Smith hesitated some time, but finally replied, "to be candid, between you and me, I cannot, any more than you or any body else; but any way to get a living." Here, then, we have his own confession, that he was a vile, dishonest impostor. As regards the testimony of Josiah Stowell, it needs no comment. He swore positively that Smith did not lie to him. So much for a Mormon witness. Paramount to this, in truth and consistency, was the testimony of Joseph Knight, another Mormonite. Newel Knight, son of the former, and also a Mormonite, testified, under oath, that he positively had a devil cast out of himself by the instrumentality of Joseph Smith, jr., and that he saw the devil after it was out, but could not tell how it looked!
Those who have joined them in this place, are, without exception, children who are frightened into the measure, or ignorant adults, whose love for the marvellous is equalled by nothing but their entire devotedness to the will of their leader; with a few who are as destitute of virtue and moral honesty, as they are of truth and consistency. As for his book, it is only the counterpart of his money-digging plan. Fearing the penalty of the law, and wishing still to amuse his followers, he fled for safety to the sanctuary of pretended religion. A. W. B.
S. Bainbridge, Chen[ango]. co., March, 1831.

[Abram W. Benton], "Mormonites," Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate (Utica, New York) 2 (9 April 1831): 120, emphasis omitted.

Court Case before Justice of the Peace Joel K. Noble, Colesville, Broome County, New York

"Mormonism," New England Christian Herald, 4 (November 7, 1832):22-23, Boston, Massachusetts, emphasis retained.


We have before noticed the bare-faced and outrageous delusion abroad in the country, under the name of Mormonism; and though it is so shocking to common sense, to reflect upon such a silly, and egregiously absurd, though wicked system, yet the public mind ought to be informed of every circumstance connected with the history of these deceivers and disturbers of good order and decency. We understand that Smith is now in this city, or has been within a few days; and a Christian community ought to arise, and thrust him back to the den of his ignominy. A friend has requested us to insert the following account of the trial of Joseph Smith, Jr., for a breach of the peace, in "looking through a certain stone to find hid treasures, &c." The account was published in the Boston Christian Herald, some few weeks since; and the editor remarks:-
"Our readers are probably acquainted with the origin of this sect and their Bible; and that two of the Mormonite preachers have visited this city, and made a number of proselytes. Joseph Smith, Jr. is the founder; "a bare-faced imposter, his moral character of the darkest hue, his name a derision, shunned by all decent society, and disowned by his pious father-in-law." He has associated with himself, characters, though of less intellect, yet equally base and profligate, and for some years have been practising upon the credulity of the weak. Many have been swindled out of their property by these false prophets-let others take warning.
We extract the following from a letter written by a gentleman in Windsor, Broome Co., N. Y., acquainted with Smith, and entitled to confidence, to his friend in this city, dated August 30, 1832."
It is more difficult to obtain information of this kind than one would think, other than hearsay. The fact that J. Smith, Jr., and others, dug in various places for money, is easily proved; at the great bend or near there, that there was a company digging part of two years could be easily proved;-but that Smith said that there was money buried there by some Spaniards could not be so easily proved, though it is generally believed; and also that toward the last of the digging there, he sold out shares in the treasure to as many as he could, and when he quit digging, said that the money had sunk down to a great depth. I have seen a hole eight or ten feet deep, on the creek back of Captain Waller's, where it was said Smith said there was treasure. On Monument Hill near to what is called "The Monument," there is a hole dug 25 or 30 feet deep, where it is said Smith said that two veins of gold crossed each other as large as a barrel. On Mr. Samuel Stowe's flat, a hole was dug one night and filled again, and Smith was said to be one of the number. I might mention a hole on the back side of the hill over the river against where I live, and other places, if it were necessary; but I forbear.
I called on several persons to gain what information I could. The most I could get was hearsay.-Among others, I called on Mr. William Devenport, who went out with the Mormons to Ohio-and has since returned. He says that he bore his own expenses out, but was often importuned by their leader to put his money into the common stock, and was told, that those who did not would be struck dead the moment they arrived on the promised land-like Ananias and Sapphira. He said that the only object of the leaders was in this, to get the money into their own hands and keep it. He mentioned a widow Peck of Bainbridge, who, he said, paid in $500 and went with them; but could not get a cent on the way to procure something for a sick child. Said that he lived between two and three miles from where they settled in Ohio, and that Smith had a new commandment every few days through the summer, a year ago, and that last summer he thought there was not a fortnight in which he did not have a new commandment. Smith pretended to go into the woods and converse with the Almighty. Mr. Devenport said he had lately received a letter from William Youman's widow, who went out with the Mormons, and had since left them and got married, stating that a Mr. Rigdon, or a name that sounded like it, their principal preacher under Smith, said lately that the Mormon religion was not true, and in consequence had been silenced by Smith. Enclosed I send you some testimony taken on trial in Colesville. Several offered to testify to what N. Knight had said of Smith's casting a devil out of him; some thought he had returned and would seem to allude to the unclean spirit mentioned in the Gospels."
The following is the report of the trial forwarded by the writer above, and referred to in the letter:
The People, }
vs. } Samuel Dickenson,
Joseph Smith, jr. } Complainant.
The defendant was brought before me by virtue of a warrant on the 30th day of June, A. D. 1830, on a charge "that he, the said Joseph Smith, Jr., had been guilty of a breach of the peace, against the good people of the state of New York, by looking through a certain stone to find hid treasures, &c., within the Statute of Limitation.
To the charge, the defendant plead not guilty. At the instance of the people, Joseph A. S. Austin was by me duly sworn, and says "that he had been acquainted with Smith, the prisoner, for several years; that prisoner pretended to look in a certain glass, or stone, and said he could tell where stolen goods were, and could discover mines of gold and silver under ground; made some pretence at telling fortunes, but he, witness, never knew of prisoner's finding any thing by his pretended art. Once witness asked prisoner to tell him if he, prisoner, could tell any thing by looking in said glass, and wished a candid and true answer. Prisoner told witness frankly, he could not see any thing, and in answer, prisoner likewise observed to witness, any thing you know for a living: says, two years before this present time, he saw prisoner drink a certain quantity of distilled liquor, and was drunk, as he does believe; for he could not stand up, but lay in the woods for some hours.
Harriss Stowel, being by me sworn, saith, "he has been acquainted with the prisoner for a number of years past; that prisoner said he could look in a certain stone or glass, and could tell where money and hid treasures were, and could tell where gold and silver mines, and salt springs were; and that Smith, the prisoner, the pretended prophet and money digger, had followed digging for money, for salt, and for gold and silver mines for a number of years; that others, by his instigation, had followed digging; that at one time, witness hid a bag of grain in his barn, told Smith he had lost a bag of grain, and wished prisoner to find it; prisoner looked in his glass in vain, for he could not find it; prisoner, after using all his art for a number of days, offered to give witness' brother fifty cents (so his brother told witness,) to find where the grain was, and tell him, prisoner, unbeknown to witness, so that Smith, the prisoner, might have the credit of finding the grain."
Cross questions-says, he has not known the prisoner to look in the glass within the space of two years last past.
Josiah Stowel, being by me sworn, saith, he has been acquainted with Smith, the prisoner, for quite a number of years; that he did pretend to tell, by looking in a stone, or glass, where money and goods and mines were in a manner peculiar to himself; the prisoner had followed digging for money; pretended to find mines, hid treasures, and lost goods, and frequently others would be digging with him; says that about three years since, prisoner was put under arrest by an officer at Bainbridge in Chenango county, for breaking the peace, and that he escaped from the officer and went to Palmyra; and that about two years since, witness was at Palmyra, and saw prisoner; that prisoner told witness, that the Lord had told prisoner that a golden Bible was in a certain hill; that Smith, the prisoner, went in the night, and brought the Bible, (as Smith said;) witness saw a corner of it; it resembled a stone of a greenish caste; should judge it to have been about one foot square and six inches thick; he would not let it be seen by any one; the Lord had commanded him not; it was unknown to Smith, that witness saw a corner of the Bible, so called by Smith; told the witness the leaves were of gold; there were written characters on the leaves; prisoner was commanded to translate the same by the Lord; and from the Bible got from the hill, as aforesaid, the prisoner said he translated the book of Mormon; prisoner put a certain stone into his hat, put his face into the crown, then drew the brim of the hat around his head to prevent light-he could then see, as prisoner said, and translate the same, the Bible, got from the hill in Palmyra, at the same time under a lock and in a chest; and the prisoner, when looking for money, salt springs, hid treasures, &c., looked in the same manner; did not know that prisoner could find money lost, &c.; and that prisoner told witness after he was arrested in Bainbridge, he would not look for money, &c. any more; told witness he could see into the earth forty or fifty feet," &c.
Newel Knights, sworn, saith, "prisoner could see in a stone as stated by Stowel; that formerly he looked for money, &c., but latterly he had become holy, was a true preacher of the Gospel of Christ, possessed the power of casting out devils; he knew it to be a fact, that he, (Smith, the prisoner,) had cast a devil from him, (witness,) in manner following, viz. witness was in mind impressed; he and Smith did conclude and knew the devil was in witness; they joined hands, their faith became united, the devil went out of witness; witness knew it to be a fact, for he saw the devil as he departed; Smith did it by the power of God," &c.
A true copy from minutes taken by me on the trial.
JOEL K. NOBLE, J. Peace.
Dated, Colesville, Aug. 28, 1832.

STATE OF NEW YORK, } Personally came before me,
Broome County, } Joel K. Noble, justice of the
Town of Colesville, ss. } peace of said town of Coles-
ville, Preston T. Wilkins, known by me to be the same person, and being by me duly sworn, saith, that Newel Knights did style himself a prophet of the Lord, and was ordained by Joseph Smith, Jr., the pretended author of the book of Mormon, as the said Newel told him, this deponent, and this deponent understood so by others, that the said Newel was so ordained; that the said Newel told this deponent he knew past, present and future; that in order to ascertain the prophetic ability of the said Newel, the deponent went and took from the father of said Newel, a Mormon Bible, (so called) unbeknown to any one, as this deponent believes, and buried it under his own door-step (witnesses); in the morning the book was found; this deponent went to the aforesaid Newel, told him the mystery that had happened; the said Newel and father told this deponent it did not come from this package of books; they counted them and were certain, as they said; the aforesaid Newel told this deponent that God told him, the said Newel, that he had sent his angel to put the book on the door-step, to convince him, this deponent, of the truth of the Mormon book, as also to warn him to flee from the impending wrath.
Subscribed and sworn before me, this 28th day of August, 1832.
A true copy from the original affidavit on file in my office. J. K. NOBLE.
Colesville, Aug. 28, 1832.
Joseph Smith, jr. was discharged; he had not looked in the glass for two years to find money; &c.,-hence it was outlawed.

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