Sawing and Drying Forum Members (Woodweb)
Sawing and Drying Screen Name: Location. [Make of mill]
40 acres and a mule: ? [TimberKing 1220]
Adam: West of Minneapolis, MN. [WoodMizer]
ADfields: (Andy) Near Palmer, Alaska.
Al: Alpharetta, Georgia.
Alain Simard: South shore Montreal weekdays and weekend speeding to the Eastern Township, PQ.
alan: South-east Ohio.
Alex Johnson: Bethany Ct. between New Haven and Waterbury. [Hud-Son]
Allen: South-central Mississippi. [ProCut]
Andre' Blanchard: ?
Andrew Field: Bothell, WA.
Andrew Henderson: ? [Lucas]
Andy James: Grapevine, Texas.
Andy Lynd: Central Ohio. [Norwood]
Andy Myrick: Vermont. [Peterson]
Arkansawyer: (David Barnes) Bruno, Arkansas. North of the Buffalo River, south of Bull Shoals Lake and west of White River. [WoodMizer LT40]
Arnie: Alberta.
AWebb: South Georgia.
Barbara Gill: ?
Barry Jones: S.E. Texas.
Becky: I live in Mercer, West Virginia.
Ben Jensen: Denmark, Europe.
Benger: S.E. Ontario, South of Picton. [Baker 18M]
BERT HICKMAN: ? [WoodMizer]
Bibbyman: (Gary Warden) Fulton, MO. [WoodMizer LT40]
Bigredofbelton: Anderson, South Carolina, between Anderson and Greenville. [Norwood]
Bill: Central TX.
Bill: Wisconsin.
Bill Bauder: ? [WoodMizerLT40]
Bill Hayes: ?
Bill Smith: Lodi, OH. [WoodMizer LT15]
Bill in WI: Wisconsin. [Norwood 2000]
billstuewe: ?
Blair: Victoria, BC.
Blueraven: ?
Bob: ? [Norwood]
Bob: Marquette, MI.
Bob: Forsyth, Georgia, 60 miles south of Atlanta. [WoodMizer]
BOb Dining: ?
Bob Kruh: Oregon coast, north of Pacific City in Sandlake. [Lucas]
bob kucera: ? [Homebuilt]
Bob MacGregor: Belfast, Maine. kilndry.
Bob Thomas: Near Butler, PA.
Bob Slings>: Jasper County, Iowa.
Bogie: 30 mi. south of Greensboro and 60 mi. west of Raleigh,NC. [Hud-son Oscar 36]
Brad: I live in Paducah, Ky. Right between Possum Trot and Monkeys eyebrow.
Brad: Near Tupelo, MS.
Brad Ewing: ? [TimberKing 1220]
Brad S: ?
Brian Bailey: Wyoming Co., Western NY.
Brian Grodner: ? Sawmill Exchange.
Brian Peterson: Just south of Pittsburgh, PA.
Bruce: Port Clinton area, Ohio. [TimberKing]
Bruce: St Paris, Ohio. North of Dayton and West of Columbus.
bruce: Vancouver Island
Bruce Larson: ? [WoodBug]
bud: ? [Mobile Dimension]
Bud Palmer: Oregon. [PaulBunyan]
burlman: ? [Baker]
BW Williams: NE of Seattle, WA. [Lucas]
Bryan Frymire:?
C. Lanehart: Clinton, LA. [Mighty Mite]
Captain: Massachusetts. [Peterson]
Carmen: Ontario.
Carol Dugas: I'm in Caplan in the province of Quebec just in front of the northern side of New Brunswick.
Carl: ? [ProCut]
Carl: S.W. PA. [TimberHarvester 30HT]
Carl Brenerman: ? [Procut]
Carl Ginapp: Mason City, IA. [Norwood]
Cary Smith: Palo Alto, CA.
CASEY VAN DRUNEN: Dunvegan Ontario.....half way between Ottawa and Montreal.
cedarman: ? [WoodMizer E25]
cecil clarke: ?
Chad Reinthaler: South-eastern Kentucky. [Circular]
charles: N.E. Kansas.
charles frazier: ?
Charles Koch: Stratford, Ontario
Charles Sasser: North Carolina.
Charlie VT: Vermont
Chet: Iron River, in western upper peninsula of Michigan.
chris: ? [Peterson]
Chris Waits: Northern Louisiana-Springhill.
chuchinnc: near Clinton, NC. [WoodMizer]
Chuck Dedic: ? [TimberKing 1200]
Cool Operator: ?
Coop: (Jeff C.) ?
CRAIG: Kansas.
Curt: Plymouth, MI. Between Detroit and Ann Arbor. [Swedish Mill]
Curtis Koth: Flint, Michigan Homepage.
Curtis Seebeck: San Marcos, TX (central).[Timberking 1220]
D Bow: ? [Homemade]
d_frederick: 20 miles S.W. of Portland, OR.
Dail: Lindon, NC/Durants Neck. [Norwood]
Dale Lenz: ?
Dan: Northeast Indiana.
Dan: ? [Enercraft]
Dan Bowman: ? [Moffit]
Dan Butler:?
Dan Hudon: New York? [Hud-Son President]
Dan Miller: [WoodMizer]
Dan Richter: ? [Hud-son]
dana: NY.
DanG: N.W. Florida.
Darren: Ohio. [Alaskan]
Dave: Manager at Hud-son.
Dave: Tennessee.
Dave: PA. [WoodMizer LT30]?
Dave: First 18 years I lived in Antigo, WI, then 23 years in Peoria, IL, the past 5 years near Decatur, IL.
dave denis: Tennessee?
Dave Drewry: Sacramento, CA. [WoodMizer]
Dave Lewis: South-west Louisiana.
Dave Rinker: ?
David: North of Toronto, Ontario.
david: Georgia.
David Franklin: Maine.
david miller: Victoria, British Columbia.
David Miller: 25 miles east of Grand Rapids, MI. [WoodMizer]
David Strom: Southeastern British Columbia. Homepage. [Peterson 8]
Dean: ? [Circular]
Deernut_00: (Kevin} ? [Norwood]
Den: PA. pcspecialties.
Dennis Baunach: West coast.
Dewey Powers: Angola, IN. (N.E. corner of the state.)
Dick Colman: Pittsfield, New Hampshire.
Dirtdoctor: (Jack) California. [Lucas 824]
Doctor "J": Washington
Don: Bangor, Maine.
Don Lewis: ? Nyle.
don m: northern Wisconsin.
Don P: SW Virginia mountains. [TimberKing]
Don Seawater: San Luis Obispo, CA. [WoodMizer]
donnie senf: ? [Foley]
Doug in Utah: Clearfield, Utah--30 miles north of Salt Lake City. Homepage. [WoodMizer LT30]
Doug Murch: South central Michigan.
Doug Pettit: Holbrook, PA 50 miles south of Pittsburgh.
drew: Mid-Michigan, near Reed City.
drolet: ? [WoodMizer]
Dustin: Independence, IA. [Crab]
E Witmer: Sparta, WI. (25 miles east of LaCrosse).
EWright: (Edgar) Chambersburg, PA.
Earl Sawyer: South of Hopewell, VA, near Richmond. [Cutting Edge]
Ed K: Leyden, MA. [Baker EZ]
edd280: ?
ElectricAl: West of Cedar Rapids, Iowa) [WoodMizer].
Enzo: ?
eric: ?
Eric Feltz: Currently, Raeford N.C., near Fayetteville, NC. [WoodMizer]
ERIKC: ? [Peterson]
EZBaker: See Rod.
Everet Smith: ?
EWright: ? [Turner]
Frank G: Fremont, NH (southern).
Frank Matunis: Raleigh, NC.
Frank Pender: Dallas, Oregon. 20 miles west of Salem in the foothills of the Coast Range. [Mobile Dimension]
frank pratt: Cambridge N.Y., between Saratoga and the Vermont border.
Frank Whatley: Ancramdale N.Y. 10 miles from either Mass. or Conn.
fred: Central Wisconsin.
Fred: Central NJ.
Fred: Lake of the Ozarks area, Missouri. [TimberHarvester]
Fred in Missouri: Missouri. [TimberHarvester]
frp: ?
Garry: West of Algonquin Park, Ontario.
Garry Woodruff: Candia, New Hampshire.
Gary Carlson: Southern Minnesota.
Gary Bonnot: ? [Baker 18M]
Gary Evans: South of Maryville, TN.
Gary G.: ?
Gene Wengert: I am "from" Knoxville, TN, but live in Madison, WI.
Geoff: Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 2 hours east of Toronto, 2 hours north of Syracuse, NY. Homepage.
George Boucher: Echo Lake, BC.
George Swartz: ? [Circle mill]
Gerald Baird: Campbell, New York.
GF: 20 miles east of Oklahoma City, OK.
GFortelney: ? [Homemade]
gilbert misiaszek: Hillsboro, NH.
Gilles Bellemare: I live in Quebec city area, Quebec, Canada.
Glenn Needham: ?. [Norwood]
Gordy Gonyo: NY.
Greg W: Sumner, Maine. Halfway between Salem and the Pacific Ocean. NW part of the state. [Norwood]
Guy Gathier: ? [Norwood]
Harold: 25 miles south if Indianapolis, Indiana.
Harold: ? [Peterson]
Haytrader: Protection, (Southwest) Kansas, 60 miles from historic Dodge City. Merle. [Oliver]
hank: ? [TimberKing]
Henry Geiger: I'm in Illinois, 60 miles east of St. Louis, MO.
Henry in MI: Grew up in Canfield, OH. Live in Troy, MI, outside Detroit.
Herb: ?
Ivan: ?
j.tester: ? [WoodMizer]
j_ploeg: Alabama, 100 miles west of Atlanta, just north of I-20. [Norwood][S&W 125]
Jack: Tomball,northwest of Houston, TX. [TimberKing]
Jack: Massachusetts
Jack Meredith: Southern Indiana. koetterkiln
Jack Watkins: Northwest of Houston, TX.
James East: Newport, TN.
James: Santa Cruz, CA.
James Mills: Hudson, east of Nashua, NH.
Jamey: Four hours south of Atlanta, GA
Jamie D: Eastern NC.
Jason_WI: (Jason Birnschein) Egg Harbor, WI. [Norwood]
Jay Meadors: Durham, North Carolina - surrounded by trees.
JC: Bellefonte, Pennsylvania...right smack in the center of the state.
jeff of nc: Sunshine, NC. About half way between Charlotte and Ashville.
Jeff: Cranberry Portage, Manitoba. [T.A.Schmid]
Jeff C: ?. [Norwood]
Jeff Watts: ?
Jeffrey Beyer: Omro, WI. I'm about 75 minutes SSW of Green Bay, or 9mi west of Oshkosh, WI.
Jennifer: Canada.
Jerry Curry: Knox County.
Jesse: Southern Georgia, in Glenville, 65 miles west of Savannah.
Jett Rink: ?
Jim: Barrie, Ontario, Canada-40 miles north of Toronto.
jim: "KOOTUR" from Toronto and Niagara Falls. Homepage. [WoodMizer]
Jim Cripanuk: Wilmington, Mass, 10 miles north of Boston.
Jim B: Calvert Co.,southern Maryland. [Peterson]
Jim Beckman: Batavia.
Jim F.: ?
Jim K: Wisconsin. [WoodMizer]
Jim Mckee: Allardt, Fentress, Co., Tennessee. [KASCO]
Jim Rogers: Georgetown, Mass. 30 miles north of Boston.
Jim Oldreive: Northern Ontario.
Jim S: Blueridge, Georgia. Where the state lines of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia all intersect.
Jim S: Oneida Pennsylvania. About 10 miles SW of the intersection of Interstates 80 and 81.
Jim Wahl: Central Iowa.
jmp: ? [T.A.Schmid
joe: Jackson, Mississippi area.
joe: Northern MN.
Joe L. Custer: Oklahoma.
Joe Sloniker: Nevada, Missouri.
Joe Woods: Oakwood, Ohio-Tri states of IN, MI, and OH. [T.A.Schmid]
Joey Lowe: Gilmer, Texas or the Pineywoods of Texas as it is sometimes referred to as. [WoodMizer LT40]
John: Eastern Maine-Machias area.
john: On the edge of bayou, about 20 miles east of Baton Rouge in Walker, LA.
John Curtis: Illinois. [WoodMizer]
John Haylow: Canada
John Huchinson: 20 miles east of Baton Rouge, LA.
John Lambert: ?
John Schoolcraft: Missouri. [Baker 18M]
JohnyF: ?
Jon Johnson: West coast. [Peterson]
Jorge: Southwest Iowa. [Norwood]
Joseph Wilcox: New Hampshire.
Josh Brower: About 10 miles west of LeMars, Iowa.
Julia Turner: In the mountains of NC.
Justine Kallstrom: Ladysmith Harbour, BC, just south of Nanaimo. Also posts as CFM Specialty Mill [ThaiFeng]
Kansas Hardwoods: (Steve) Belvue, Kansas
Karl: NY.
Karl Christensen: Stuttgart, Germany. Moving to NY in July.
kat: ?
Keith: Lawrenceville, PA-just across the NY border from Corning NY.
keith: Port Byron, N.Y. Central NYS.
kelvin potter: Central Michigan.
Ken Brown: Cleveland, TN, near Chattanooga.
ken h: Monroeville/Norwalk, OH. [Norwood]
Kevin: East Kootenays, British Columbia.
kevin: Southern Minnesota. [Norwood]
kevin b: 35 miles NE of Seattle, WA.
Kevin H: I am in Illinois, about 65 Miles South East of St. Louis.
Kirk Harper: Haubstadt, IN 20 miles north of Evansville, 3 hours south of Indy, 2.5 hours east of St. Louis and 1.5 hours west of Louisville. [WoodMizer LT25]
Kip: Louisiana. [Homemade]
Kris Watters: ?[Burg]
Kurt: Jamestown, NY 60 miles south of Buffalo. Right in the southwest corner of the state.
Kurt (VA): Virginia.
kyle: Upstate NY.
Larry Copas: Northwest Missouri [Kasco]
LeeB: Central Texas. [Timberking 1200]
lev: ?
Lew Pinch: Nebraska
Lickskillet: Between Austin and Houston. [Cook]
LLOYD: (Lloyd Spry)? [Norwood]
lloyd.WV: WV. [Norwood]
Lloyd R. Casey: S.W. PA.
Logdog: ? [Accu-Trac 36]
Lonnie: Central Texas.
Lonnie: Morgan Co., Tennessee, 1 hour west of Knoxville. [Hud-Son]
Loren Wasson: Willamina, Oregon. [WoodMizer LT70]
lou: Troy, NY area. [T.A.Schmidt]
Lumbersawyer: (Rick-Wi) Oconomowoc, Wisconsin-between Madison and Milwaukie. [Cook]
Lyle Palmer: ? [Lucas]
Lynn of Cap Creek: N.W. Iowa. [WoodMizer LT40]
M.Morrow: ? [WoodMizer LT20]
Malcom Timbers: S.E. PA.
Marc Broussard: Near Boston, MA.
marcus: ?
mark: Southeast Michigan.
Mark: Florida.
Mark: Washington. [LogMaster LM5]
Mark Broussard: St. Ignace, MI.
Mark M: (Mark Mathy) Dakotas. [Norwood]
Mark McElvy: Southern Missouri--Dent County, near Salem.
Marc Shultes: Upstate NY.
mark whitaker: Skamokawa, Washington, between Longview and the ocean near the Columbia river.
Marty: Indianapolis? [WoodMizer rep.]
Marvin: Arkansas.
Matt: Southeast Pennsylvania.
Matt Morrow: Indiana.
Matt Wright: Missouri.
MBM: Alabama.
Merrill Austin: Monument, Colorado.
Mesquite Man: (Curtis Seebeck-Sitruc) Texas [Timberking 1220]
Michael: Hernando, Mississippi.
Michael: Nortehrn Virginia.
Mike: Ontario, but moving to Newfoundland.
Mike: Minneapolis area, MN.
Mike D.: Stockton in NW Illinois.
Mike Dusch: PA.
Mike F: Ohio.
Mike Robbins: Raleigh, NC area.
Mike Shenton: Salisbury, MD. [WoodMizer LT30]
Mike Smith: ? [WoodMizer]
Mike Wurth: Born in Terre Haute, IN; live in northern California. [WoodMizer LT40G25HD]
Mitch Simpson: ? Homepage [Vance]
mowman64: ? [Norwood]
MP Wall: ?
MtnJack: Industry, PA. North of the Ohio River just east of the OH/PA border. [TimberHarvester]
Mustang: 50 mi. north of Asheville, in Tennessee.
Neil B.: Madoc, Ontario [Timberwolf]
Nelson: Toronto, ON area.
Noble: Drury, Missouri. [WoodMizer]
Noble_MA: Massachusetts. [Baker]
Norm F.: Bangor (Central Iowa) .
Northernsaw: (Donn) New York. [Homebuilt]
OhioMike: Grafton, Ohio.
ohsoloco: ? [Norwood]
PB: (Pat)?
Patrick: Berwick,PA,approx.30 mi. southeast of Wilkes-Barrie/Scranton area.
Patrick: La Mesa, New Mexico/Sutton, Alaska. Setting up to mill in AK.
Patrick Mitchell: Keeseville, NY (Eastern NY.)
paul: ? [Norwood]
Paul: Maine Bryant Pond, Maine, in the western foothills of the white mountains. [Enercraft]
Paul Adams: Delaware. [WoodMizer]
Paul Cates: Henderson, KY which is just south of Evansville, IN. I moved from Hudson, Quebec last year.
Paul Charron: Ontario, CA.
Paul D.: Mid-Michigan
Paul H: Pemberton, BC, near Whistler.
Paul Harrington: Harbour, Quebec. Small fishing village on an island. Homepage.
Paul Maine: Maine. [Peterson and WoodMizer LT15]
Paul Menz: S.E. Ohio. [Lucas 618]
Percy: Terrace B.C, just below the Alaskan panhandle, 90 miles inland from the Pacific. [WoodMizer]
Phil: Brasher Falls N.Y. 20 Min. from Massena, 40 min from the Canadian border.
Phil: Bitterroot Valley, Montana.
RL: Northern Vermont. [TimberKing B20]
R Arely: Halifax KY (@Scottsville which isn't to far from good old Bowling Green).
R. Nelson: In the southwest desert, Gallup, New Mexico.
Radu: Romania.
randy greer: Northern Louisiana.
Randy Hart: Ohio.
Ray: Minnesota. [Homemade]
Raymond: S.E. LA.
Reg: 1/2 hour from Bedford, MA.
Rich: Central valley of California. [TimberHarvester]
Rich: (Rich Thompson) Boone/NC mountains. [Peterson]
Rich Ritsche: ?
Richard: Georgia. [Baker 30HTL]
Richard: Manitoba.
Richard Gust: Port Alberni, BC.
Richard Head: Tennessee.
Richard McClung: WV. [TimberKing B20]
Richard Newton: Marengo, Indiana about 40 miles west of Louisville Kentucky.
Rick: Rick Queeney (Linden Hall Hardwoods) from State College, PA.
Rick: Grand Rapids, MI.
Ricky: ?
RMay: Okolona, Arkansas.
Rob: S.W. NY.
Rob Edwards: N.W. Oregon.
Rob: Pfafftown, North Carolina. NW part of the state.
Robert Bray: Northern Maryland.
Robert in W.Mi: Robert Sokolowski in Wisconsin. [Norwood]
Robert Whitaker: Fayetteville, TX. [Cook AG36]
Rod: Salineville, 60 miles east of Canton, Ohio. [Baker EZ]
Roger: Northwest New jersey as far out of the cities as you can get in NJ without being in NY or PA.
Roger: North-east Texas, near Texarkana.
Roly: South interior of BC.
Ron Jackson: Walla Walla, Washington. Located in South East corner of state on the dry side.
Ron Wenrich: Jonestown, PA.
Ronnie Lintz: Greeneville, TN. NE corner of the state.
Ross: I live in Winlaw, B.C. not too far from David Strom.
Roy: South NJ.
Rstolz-Wi: I am from Oconomowoc, WI. Between Milwaukee, and Madison.
Russ Fisher: Northfield, MA.
Russell Whiting: Central Louisiana.
S.davis: Northeast.
Samuel Slater: ?
Sandy Galvin: Northwest Indiana.
sandy white: ?
Sassafras Pete: Southern Indiana.
Saw-Ex: Alabama.
Sawdust: I hail from Sequatchie County, Tennessee. Reside in Bollinger County, MO. [Baker3630E]
sawemup: (Jeff McMullin) ?
sawman: Bainbridge, NY--Southern Tier, 30 miles east of Binghamton.
Sawmill on Wheels: (George)? [WoodMizer]
scott: 6 hours southeast of Buffalo, NY. [Norwood]
Scott: Cedar Rapids area, Iowa. [Norwood]
Scott: Between Denton and Greensboro, MD.
Scott: Northeast Pennsylvania.{Pallet shop}
Scott / Chicago: South Chicago
Scott Baney: Eureka, Montana. In the Northwest corner of the state. Almost in Idaho and almost in Canada!
Scott Biggs: Weir, Quebec, Canada-60 miles north of Montreal. [Norwood]
scott downey: Southwest Iowa.
Scott Hole: N.W. Ontario. [Norwood]
Scott in Eastern Iowa: Eastern Iowa.
Sean: Sunshine Coast, 40 min. northwest by ferry of Vancouver B.C.
Shanon: ? [WoodMizer]
Shannon: ? [Hud-Son]
shawn hays: WV.
shift: (Doug)?
Shane T. Caver: South Texas.
Shannon: Bainbridge, Ohio, between Hillsboro and Chillicothe.
Shawn: Rochester, NY area.
Silverpete: ? [WoodMizer LT4035G]
smwwoody: (dave woodring) North central PA
snowball: ? [WoodMizer]
Stan: Georgia 50 miles west of Atlanta on Alabama line.
Stephan: Southern Sweden.
Steve: Shawnee, Kansas. [WoodMizer LT15]
Steve A.: ? [Norwood]
Steve D.: Cloquet, Minnesota.
Steve Dahnke: Cloquet, Minnesota. [Homemade]
Steve Knight: S.E. Portland.
SteveS: South central Pennsylvania. [WoodMizer LT15]
Steve Schaefer: Hawaii.
Steven Jones: England.
swinger: Alaska. [Lucas]
T-Boy: (Sandy Fletcher) St. Martinville, Louisiana, 20 miles north of the gulf, just outside of Lafayette.
taylor: ? [WoodMizer LT70]
Ted Hokkanen: Central Florida. [WoodMizer LT40]
Terry Branthwaite: Near Seattle.
Terry Rooksberry: Rosedale, IN, 17 miles north east of Terre Haute. [WoodMizer LT40]
thefarm: (Thomas) Maine.
Thomas J Miller: ?
Tim: Canada.
Tim: Pacific N.W. [Norwood]
Tim Brandt: Appleton, WI area.
Tim Hunter: ?
tim vander ploeg: N.E. Alabama.
Timber: Portland, Oregon area.
timberjack: Greensburg, Indiana.
todd sellers: ? [WoodMizer LT40G36]
Tom Averwater: Owensville, Ohio 25 miles east of Cincinnati, Ohio on Route 50.
Tom Lowery: I'm just outside of Lexington KY.
Tom: Carthage, Texas.
Tom: North-central Ohio.
TomHendricks: Ontario.
tom the sawyer: NY on the PA border.
Tom Baumberger: Durbin, Ohio. [WoodMizer]
Tom Goodman: Near Bainbridge, 30 miles west of Indianapolis, IN.
Tom Pace: Near Mt. Airy, NC.
tommy: Gaston Co., NC.
Tony Ceder: Central Maine.
Tony S: Oregon.
Tony T: Clermont Co., south Central Ohio, near Cincinnati.
Trapper Sampson: Bliss, NY. 1 hour south of Buffalo, 1 hour north of Pennsylvania. [TimberHarvester]
Travis: Lafayette, Indiana (Central Indiana).
Vic Hicks: ?
WA2WA: Walla Walla, Washington
Wade Ellis: West Chicago, 1 mile east of DuPage Co. airport. [WoodMizer LT40 Super]
Ward Johnston: Near Kansas City
waveon: Near London, Ont., Canada.
Wes: ?
Wesley Allen: Hemlock, Michigan just west of Saginaw, Michigan.
weyer wood shop: (Tim) Indiana.
wiam: Northern Vermont. [Homemade]
Will Johnson: Kansas City, MO area. {TimberKing-President]
Will Moses: ? [Circular]
Willard MacDonald: New Mexico.
Wim Willems: Venray, The Netherlands, Europe, 1.5 hr from Amsterdam.
Wm J Weigle Tree Service: ? [Kasco]
Woodchuck: ?
woodguy: ? [WoodMizer HDG25]
Woodking: ? [Baker]
woodpecker: (Patrick) Northeast Pennsylvania.
Woodspinner: (Bill Hale) South-central Arizona.
Woody Green: Mt. Brydges, Ontario (near London).
woodywebber: ?
WV hillbilly: West Virginia.
~454 members listed
:Last Updated on 05/11/03
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