Son of FrankensteinYear: 1939 Director: Rowland V. Lee Written by: Willis Cooper Threat: Undead Weapon of Choice: Hands Based upon: Original |
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Other movies in this series:
The Bride of Frankenstein
The Ghost of Frankenstein
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
House of Frankenstein
House of Dracula
Rish Outfield's reviews
Basil Rathbone plays Wolf von Frankenstein, the titular son of the deceased Henry
Frankenstein, who returns many years after Bride to his inherited mansion
with his wife and son. He is greeted by hate and fear from the villagers, who are sure
he'll bring disaster back on all their heads. When he discovers the misshapen Ygor (and
a certain comatose Monster) among the ruins of his father's laboratory, he becomes
increasingly obsessed with vindicating his father's name and carrying on his father's
work. When townspeople start turning up dead, the local inspector suspects that Doctor
Junior is to blame.
Rathbone's son of the doctor is much calmer and even-tempered than his father, but
is the most interesting the closer he parallels him. It's cool how Wolf Frankenstein
becomes increasingly consumed with his work. Bela Lugosi steals the show as Ygor,
a very cool killer and manservant, and surely the inspiration behind the "Igor" we all
think of as the iconic mad scientist's assistant. Rathbone is a likable actor, as is Lugosi,
even though his character is the main villain of the piece, using the Creature to eliminate
the jurors that convicted him. A nice young child actor played Rathbone's young son
Peter. He was good. Dwight Frye returns again in a small role. Karloff no longer gets
first billing, and the creature actually looks a bit different. If I didn't know better, I'd say
it wasn't Boris Karloff at all. This Monster has lost the ability to speak and think and is
a roving killer as in the original. This had to be due to Universal's desire to continue the
series without acknowledging the difficult strides Bride of Frankenstein made.
Or maybe someone just didn't like the melancholy, thoughtful, sad creature, and wanted
the two-dimensional brute that could grunt and destroy through countless sequels. The
nobility of the Creature is also gone, and though he is devoted to Ygor, he demonstrates
it with violence. It's muddled, actually–-sometimes we're to root for him, sometimes against
him–-sometimes Frankenstein is mad, sometimes sane. It's not consistent, and ultimately
less satisfying because of it. Who DO we root for? The Doctor? The Monster? Ygor?
The Inspector?
Son of Frankenstein was slower and talkier (duller?) than either of the previous
two films, including a lot of technobabble mumbo jumbo pretending to give a scientific
explanation to the Monster. Already people must have been getting in the habit of calling
the Monster by the name of its creator, because it's mentioned in the film.
It began with a matte painting–-is that unusual? I always thought matte paintings were
a relatively recent development. The architecture throughout the film was similar to that
seen in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, with sharply angled walls and ceilings. The
Inspector (Lionel Atwill) had his arm ripped off by the Monster years before-–that's a
cliche that has been used many times since. There is an interesting relationship between
the Inspector and Doctor Frankenstein. There's a nice scene where the two of them
play darts together. Somehow, not even looking at the board, he nails it dead center.
But most of the film is flatter than the first two, certainly with less emotion than the
others. I felt sad watching this, knowing that the Frankenstein series kept going, film
after film, each one distancing itself more from the others. But this isn't a bad film, no,
just not on par with the original two. I loved the way Bride carried the story
forward in a way that felt genuine and organic. I'm sure it had a lot to do with the fact
that James Whale directed both of them. Here, with a new director and no more inspiration
from Mary Shelley's book, it's only natural that it's different. Also, Colin Clive, who played
Henry Frankenstein died in 1937 (in only his late thirties), necessitating this departure down
the family line. But had he been alive, or had they persuaded Whale to direct, the series
might have followed a very different path than it did.
Note: As I said in my Frankenstein review, it's hard to condescend to give this
Skulls, as most of the cliches we like to point out were either not invented yet or not
allowed in cinema when this was made.
Note 2: This was Karloff's last turn as the Monster, and it would never look as good as
it did in the first two films. He had such a unique face in his everyday life (with sunken
cheeks and imploring eyes), that the makeup never looked right on anyone else.
Posted: April 23rd, 2001
The tyranist's thoughts
As Rish is wont to tell you, I'm not the big Universal horror fan that he is. My horror bent comes later in the history of
horror and generally that means I'm much less forgiving of these early sequels. I do have to admit that Son of Frankenstein
wasn't really that bad of a movie, but as far as I'm concerned the franchise started dying here.
Let's start with the things I liked about this movie. Well . . . I found it relatively entertaining in spite of all the
problems it had. The script wasn't terrible leading to decent dialogue. I liked Benson.
Really, I found the movie to be inferior. Karloff's monster was less convincing than before and even started to be comic
relief, something they never would have thought about earlier. In fact, the look he has in this movie is pretty much what
got carried forward to become the classic, cartoon Frankenstein monster look. As much as I like Basil Rathbone, I found his
madness to be less convincing and more grating than Colin Clive's ever was. And Mrs. Frankenstein needed to be slapped seven
or eight times in the movie. I loathed Ygor as I suppose is correct since he is the villain. The villagers seemed barbaric.
Little Peter Frankenstein should have been killed by the monster. They should never even have had the character in the movie.
I found the performance terrible and every time the kid spoke I grabbed at my ears trying to make the insects go away. It was
all high pitched, southern twanged buzzing as far as I could here.
And lastly for my biggest problem. The score. It was as if they thought they could insert some terror into the movie by playing
the music a little louder. It interfered with almost every scene with its unsubtle hints. After about half an hour I wanted to
turn the volume down, but couldn't because the dialogue wasn't so terrible that I didn't want to hear it either.
You can stop after the first two. Honestly. Nothing to see here folks.
Posted: July 18th, 2002
Total Skulls: 5
Sequel | ![]() |
Sequel setup | ||
Rips off earlier film | ||
Horror film showing on TV/in theater in movie | ||
Future celebrity appears | ||
Former celebrity appears | ||
Bad title | ||
Bad premise | ||
Bad acting | ||
Bad dialogue | ||
Bad execution | ||
MTV Editing | ||
OTS | ||
Girl unnecessarily gets naked | ||
Wanton sex | ||
Death associated with sex | ||
Unfulfilled promise of nudity | ||
Characters forget about threat | ||
Secluded location | ||
Power is cut | ||
Phone lines are cut | ||
Someone investigates a strange noise | ||
Someone runs up stairs instead of going out front door | ||
Camera is the killer | ||
Victims cower in front of a window/door | ||
Victim locks self in with killer | ||
Victim running from killer inexplicably falls | ||
Toilet stall scene | ||
Shower/bath scene | ||
Car stalls or won't start | ||
Cat jumps out | ||
Fake scare | ||
Laughable scare | ||
Stupid discovery of corpse | ||
Dream sequence | ||
Hallucination/Vision | ||
No one believes only witness | ||
Crazy, drunk, old man knows the truth | ||
Warning goes unheeded | ||
Music detracts from scene | ||
Death in first five minutes | ||
x years before/later | ||
Flashback sequence | ||
Dark and stormy night | ![]() |
Killer doesn't stay dead | ||
Killer wears a mask | ||
Killer is in closet | ![]() |
Killer is in car with victim | ||
Villain is more sympathetic than heroes | ||
Unscary villain/monster | ||
Beheading | ||
Blood fountain | ||
Blood hits camera | ||
Poor death effect | ||
Excessive gore | ||
No one dies at all | ||
Virgin survives | ||
Geek/Nerd survives | ||
Little kid lamely survives | ||
Dog/Pet miraculously survives | ||
Unresolved subplots | ![]() |
"It was all a dream" ending | ||
Unbelievably happy ending | ![]() |
Unbelievably crappy ending | ||
What the hell? |