Star ratings are turned off for a bit.
Disclaimer Disclaimer: There’s no statement of the obvious here, since anyone who would actually believe these graphics are a creation of the State of Utah or of Utah County wouldn’t grasp a disclaimer if there was one. They’re here so a handful of colleagues can look at them (I only made a few calendars, since they're a little expensive). Beside, these graphics might not even have anything to do with life at the Fourth District Juvenile Court. If you want to know what really happens in Utah’s Fourth District Juvenile Court, look at the How to Manipulate Juvenile Prosecutors web page.
As the 2010 holidays approached, some people asked about whether I’d be making more copies of the calendar that I gave out as a white elephant gift for the 2009 Christmas party and at the 2009 raffle. Here is what I’ll do: any colleague can click right here and you will go to a web page with links to a Word and a PDF version of the 2011 calendar, and you can download either file and print it off for personal use. Because I don’t care to make the files available to just anyone, you’ll need a username and password to get to that page. I posted the username and password on my office doors in December; if you missed it, ask me for the username and password. If you want a calendar for some following year, perhaps you could open the Word file and copy and paste the graphics into a template for a more recent year’s calendar.
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