The second novel by author Meg Tilly

I am very pleased and excited to let you know that Meg has written a second book titled "Gemma" released in October 2006. I realize that as Meg's "biggest fan" you will expect my opinions to be slanted, but in all honesty this is the most moving story I have ever read. The story is of Gemma, a beautiful 12-year old girl who is being sexually abused by her mother's boyfriend, Buddy. Buddy then 'sells' Gemma to Hazen Wood (a character based on a person who actually existed in Meg's life.) Hazen becomes obsessed with Gemma, kidnaps her, and the rest of the story relates the extreme sexual brutality that Gemma suffers at Hazen's hand.

"Gemma" is written in an extrodinary way in which the reader experiences the story told through alternating points of view—12-year-old Gemma and the 36-year-old man who kidnaps her. Not only will you feel the mounting hopelessness and despair of Gemma, you will get a look inside the mind of a child predator and the twisted way his sick mind interprets the world.

Living here in Utah and witnessing the horror of the Elizabeth Smart abduction (as well as the overwhelming joy of her safe return), I was especially drawn to this story. "Gemma" will help many people understand the way these sexual predators take away all hope and all control from their helpless victims. Almost everyone who hears about child rape, or child abduction, or anything related to this abhorrent crime has hung their head in exasperation, wondering how or why *anyone* would want to do such horrible things to a child. I myself have come to the conclusion that it's far beyond my ability to understand the way these twisted mind works because their "logic" is nothing like what most people understand. "Gemma" will give you a sense of how those minds think by putting you in the head of Hazen Wood.

I have the honor of being able to share a 2-minute exerpt from an upcoming audio interview of Meg Tilly by Bill Thompson. The full 15-minute interview can be heard starting November 4th at the following sites: Eye on Books and/or The Bookcast. If the sound player doesn't work for you, click this link.

Remember, you can hear the full interview at one of the sites linked below:

I had the honor and pleasure to be able to attend one of Meg's book reading appearances on October 21st 2007, and if you'd like to read my own little story about the experience, please check out "The Day I Met Meg Tilly". I highly encourage anyone who has the opportunity to attend a reading - I promise you that you will not regret it.

Meg has released her third novel, a young adult book called "Porcupine". She is making some public appearances to promote the release, and you can find her schedule on her Official Site or here on my site on the "Porcupine" page. Please contact me and let me know if you find anything more about Meg or her books that I can share. Thanks!

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