Shared by Carlos E. Asay at a BYU Dev. given March 13, 1984:

    "We have some great experiences as General Authorities.  We don't feel worthy to have them; we wish everyone could have them.  For example, one of the most delightful experiences of the Spirit, wherein we feel the guidance of our Heavenly Father, is every time we create a new stake or change a stake presidency.  We know beforehand that the Lord has already picked the man and we have to find out through the spiritual guidance of the Holy Ghost who the man is that he has already chosen.

        Some of us who have the blessing of working in Latin American countries have the opportunity to create new stakes frequently.  You are worried, nervous, and tremble all of the time, knowing that you must pick the man that the Lord wants to preside over that stake.  The Lord is so wise and we have such limited knowledge.  He seems to tell us in a different way every time, so the nervousness and the trembling go on.

        Sometimes you know the instant the man walks into the room.  Sometimes you know before you even commence your interviews.  And sometimes you don't know until the very last second when you are offering the final prayer to receive his approval.  Sometimes in the prayer you've entirely forgotten the name of the one you had chosen and the name of another man comes visibly before your mind.  You then express it and feel his influence upon you.

        I remember last week in Mexico City vividly.  I had the pleasure of dividing a stake and forming the new Pachuca stake on the outskirts of the city.  I remember all the men with whom we interviewed, and felt that it should be Brother so and so.  The man who was chosen was right next in line, nearly equal to that man.  But as to which one of those two or four was the very difficult question to answer.  But, again, the Lord told us in his unique way who that man should be.  Can you imagine the feeling of satisfaction you get to know that it seems to meet with his approval as unworthy as you are to be his instrument."
