Report on Indexing in the Tooele East Stake:

December 29, 2006  report:

I am the Tooele East Stake Extraction Director who was called to that position during the month of September. I took the Extraction classes from the Messengers and Christensens at the Family History Library during the month of October and in the meantime with the help of our wonderful High Councilman, Brother Livingston, and with our Stake President Counselor, President Nathan Pollmann, we have over 100 people who have signed up for the program. Right now we have 32 members who have been trained and are using family search indexing. We have a combined total of arbitrations and indexing of 43,000. We are working hard and doing great. The work is progressing and we are having a wonderful time doing it. We are scheduled to have more training sessions during the third week of January. It is our hope that after we get those who have already signed up trained and on board, to involve the youth. We see the blessings of this tremendous work and service and want everyone who feels the desire to dedicate even a portion of their time to be a part of the rock that is rolling forward rapidly in the spirit world.
Many of those indexing from our stake have shared some of their feelings about the names and people that they have been able to index. One youth said that he felt a closeness with those people. Another sister who has indexed well over 2,000 names has said that she envisions what their lives were like during the 1900's---their names and circumstances, their employment, their housing, those with children who have died, and so forth. Each person's details paints a visual picture and then, in not too many minutes, the question of submitting is asked, and, those people vanish, but the sharing took place. Etched in our hearts are the feelings that drive us to the next page of individuals. That is why the Tooele East Stake indexers are doing such a great work. Testimony, love, care, and their desire to serve as our Savior would have them do.
 I have shared the information about the consultant website with our priesthood leaders in our stake and with other family history consultants.  
                Sister Diane Kiser

January 3, 2007 update:    Our stake is still going like wild fire and has done over 3,000 more names to get over the 50,000 mark.  Incredible.
Tonight I will be making phone calls to those who have signed up, but have not been doing the work as of yet. I will see what their internet capabilities are, invite them to our training meeting on January 19, and advise them to at least go to the familysearchindexing website prior to the meeting, try to download the program, look at the training guide under the help tab, and if they have concerns and questions, they can be addressed at the training meeting. That is how I ran the last two training meetings in December. They were very successful.
I will be speaking to our High Councilor, Brother Livingston, tonight to set a date to meet with him again. One of the things that I suggested and hope to be able to accomplish for the new year would be to have a Tooele Valley Regional Educational Fireside where we can invite the 5 Stake Presidencies in our area along with all other leadership and extraction directors to show them just how simple and wonderful this program is by doing a power point presentation or log right on to familysearchindexing just as the Salt Lake Family History Center has done. I think the enthusiasm would spread and the work would go forward at tremendous speed. I will get back with you to let you know if this would be a possibility. I know it has been something that I've mentioned already, but wheels need to get rolling and approval has to take place first.