Strengthening Families on this Side of the Veil:  (link to Harold B. Lee quote)

Wisdom of the Ages/Aged  -  Grandparents' Corner:

Shared by a Grandmother:

I wanted to share an idea I read in the Ensign magazine many years ago and used when raising our children, to try to instill in them the Christ-like attribute of Charity and concern for others.  The article told how a family counseled together and decided how much they could afford each month to help others in need---it could be $5, $10, or whatever.  Then each Fast Sunday, they discussed the needs of people in their ward, or in the childrens' school, etc. and brainstormed about who they could help with their "helping fund" that month and what they could do to help.  This helped the children to learn to be alert to the needs of others--be they spiritual, emotional, or physical.  Being involved in the discussions and in the actual act of service helped them more than just having the parents give money to a worthy cause.

We tried this idea in our family.  For instance:  One month when canned veggies were on sale 4/$1, we bought a case of canned corn for $6, wrapped it and left it on the porch on a single mother, with a big note that said, "With love from the Food Storage Fairy!"  Our children excitedly rang the doorbell and ran!  Another month, in the cold winter, our children chose to buy 2 pair of gloves and 2 hats for two little daughters of a widow in our stake.

Grandparents could help teach their family by passing this idea on to their married children or even invite them over for a FHE and use this idea for the lesson and give them $10 to help someone that month.

Recently Oprah Winfrey, on one of her shows, gave $1,000 to each member of the audience with instructions to multiply it as much as possible and use all proceeds to help others and to report back to her what was accomplished with the money.  The results were amazing--some multiplied it 10-fold and so much good was done in the world.  Reminds us of the "parable of the talents."