Brother J. Ross Mortensen of the Salt Lake Grant Stake has given us permission to share his thoughts and experiences with Indexing:

In response to a recent invitation in our stake to submit our experience and feelings regarding this work, I extract the following from my journal, written the end of January of this year.  

"...Meanwhile, I was able to exceed the goal I had set to have another 5,000 names indexed in January; the number now processed stands at over 17,000 since beginning in mid-October.  It continues to fascinate me as whisperings of individual and family conditions are evidenced through their inclusion in the 1900 censuses of Illinois, Ohio, or Massachusetts.  It bears witness of their great sacrifice and effort and their burning desire to better their lives – strive for prosperity -- and taste of freedom.  It humbles me to envision them thus.  In virtually every batch (usually 50 names), the Spirit prompts me to see & understand the enumerator’s script, often very faint, obscured or barely decipherable, and to correct mistakes I have inadvertently input myself.  There is a feeling of relief and peace as I discover the letters and names or correct a mistake of my own doing; an assurance of the Spirit prompts: “That’s the right name.” or, “That is an ‘L’ or an ‘H’.” or,“Go back, there’s a mistake.” or, “Now you can move on.”  Each session, it is difficult to stop; I am wont to leave the Spirit’s presence.  I am aware of a great sigh of joy from those whose names have been disinterred (literally brought from obscurity into view).  I exult with them in their release from the catacombs wherein they have been enthralled.  I pray for their ultimate happiness and inclusion in God’s Eternal Family.

            I thank God for the privilege of being in His service; contributing to His work and His glory."


                    J. Ross Mortensen