Grant Stake's good idea:

President Gary Blake, Stake Presidency Counselor over Temple and Family History work, High Councilor Shannon Mock, and Extraction Director Brother Hylen planned the Fireside.  They invited all the Bishoprics, High Priest Group Leaders and their Assistants, and the 51 members of the stake that were signed up to try Indexing.  Spouses, family, and friends were also invited to the 1 hour fireside/social, which was held in the Relief Society room.  Apple pie ala mode and a drink were served.

Since Indexing can be an isolated activity, they felt that it was important for the workers to meet together, be motivated, feel the Spirit, and become acquainted with one another.

Brother Hylen also sends out messages to all of his "indexing family" to motivate and inform, introduce new members who have signed up, and give statistics on work performed.  He has the indexers go through the tutorials on the website and report back when they have completed them and helps with any questions they may have.  He informs them of upcoming classes on Indexing at the Family History Library and helps arrange for rides.

Brother Mortensen of the Salt Lake Grant Stake shares his experience with Indexing.


While at the Oquirrh Stake Family History Fair on April 21, we attended an excellent Priesthood/Consultant class taught by their High Councilor, Mike Hamilton.  When he shared an analogy during the class, I immediately thought of its application for the Grant Stake Indexing Fireside we would be attending.


When preparing for a barbeque, some people space out the briquettes, pour on the lighter fluid, and light the match.  Each briquette is "on fire" for a few minutes, but then the fire often goes out.  But if you put all the briquettes together, the fire stays lit as they gather heat from each other and give warmth and fire to each other, and much more heat is produced.