Idea Shared by Kamas Utah 2nd Ward:

My young women's personal progress person came to me the other day and we will be doing a project with the young women getting them to write their personal history.  I have created a book called "I Am a Daughter of God" and it is a fill in the blank type book to have them record things about their lives. 

My own daughters filled one out a few years ago and it is fun to read what they thought about their lives back then.

So I just made 25 books and all the young women will be working on this book for the next few months. 

They want a mini lesson on the importance of keeping a personal history, so I will be doing that also.

I have also for the past 11 weeks been having a FH Sunday School class.  We have been having mini lessons, but now it is mostly just a workshop where they can work on things and get help from me. 

A few people have really been working hard on gathering and preparing their records. One sister just got her parents sealed to each other and herselft sealed to them.  We were all so happy for her.

Small successes are what we are having. 

                Karen Lowry, Family History Consultant