Riverton Copperview Stake Family Heritage Festival  (held Sat. May 19, 2007, from 9-noon:

The Main Emphasis this year was on the Youth of the stake--"Turn the hearts of the children to their fathers."  The Festival was in three parts.  All three parts were held in the chapel, with 20 min. in between sessions to visit the displays.  All three sessions had an opening and closing prayer.

Displays in Cultural Hall:

Each ward did a display table.  Some of the ideas presented: 

1.  Ward History books (looseleaf binders for each year--write-ups and pictures of people and activities, each page in a plastic sheet protector).

2.  Name Origins:  1/2 poster size (made by the children)--told about their surname--the origination of the name; map of the area it came from; family shield; etc.

3.  One display told about their YW group going to the temple to do baptisms for more than 70 or 80 people (ancestors of ward members).  The man who furnished most of the names for them to do, had met with the young women and told them about some of the people they were doing baptisms for.  It made it more interesting for them to know the story and background of the people.

4.  One display had framed pictures of each of the YW in a class.  It appeared that they had a lesson on Temple Marriage and then "made" wedding gowns on each of them out of napkins or something (similar to an idea used at bridal showers).  Then they had photographed each "bride" in all of her finery and a group picture of the 4 brides together.  Each girl was given a framed 8 x 10 collage that contained the single photograph of herself, the group of 4 brides together, a picture of their temple and the words to the song "I Love to See the Temple, I'm Going There Someday."

5.  Scrapbooks, antiques, family histories, etc.

First Part
:  Ryan Koellicker gave an excellent and interesting keynote presentation on new FamilySearch.

Second Part:
  A stake Primary chorus of about 30 children came up both isles of the chapel and sang in lovely "surround sound."  The children had been preparing for months by learning stories of their ancestors and sharing them first at Family Home Evening, then at Primary, and some at Sacrament meeting.  Then one child was chosen to represent each ward, telling the lessons of faith, honesty, integrity, perseverance, conversion and testimony that are found in their individual family histories.  Prayers were given by the children.

Third Part:
   President and Sister Day (Jordan River Temple President) spoke together at the pulpit.  They involved the children (the primary chorus was sitting in the choir seats) by asking questions such as "how old do you have to be to be baptized?" and "how old do you have to be to receive the Priesthood?"  and  "how old do you have to be in order to be baptized for the dead?"   They also interspersed their speaking by having the children sing certain primary songs (impromptu).  Then the children were invited to go down and sit with their families.  President and Sister Day then told several interesting stories to do with Temples.

At the close of this session, one of the children presented Sister Day with a beautiful floral arrangement that had been up front as decoration for the meeting.

Link to a printed copy of their program