South Jordan River Stake:

On Tuesday, September 11, we enjoyed visiting the South Jordan River Stake for an Indexing meeting.  It was nice to meet Sister Dammaschke, their Stake Extraction Director, as well as their priesthood leaders and the assistant extraction directors from each of the wards.

Their stake has over 240 people who have signed up to do indexing!   Their goal for September is to index 100,000 records.  They came close in August with 99,530.

Sister Dammaschke is going on a trip to Chile and Peru.  It was just going to be a visiting and sightseeing trip, but her friend has already lined up meetings for her to teach indexing while she is there!

One of the assistant directors shared how her bishop had requested that their ward indexers visit every family in the ward to present a FHE on indexing and teach the family how to do it.

We saw a clever idea that Sister Newbold, the assistant extraction director for the River 1st Ward, was working on.  She was planning a meeting for all the indexers in her ward for teaching,  motivating and socializing.  She was creating a very fun invitation to send out to each of them.  It was in the form of a census record, complete with Batch number and letter at the top, line number, name, etc.   Some of the columns were adapted to tell the time and place and date of the meeting.

We never cease to be amazed at the original and clever ideas all of you come up with! 
