Elder and Sister Westra,

Thank you for keeping us in touch with what is happening in the other FHC's.

We continue to do well at the Utah State Prison and feel it a blessing to be able to participate in this work there.

We now have three professional genealogists helping here and really feel the men are enjoying the blessings of help in their research and classes on how to do original research.  DeAnne Shelley has been teaching beginner and advanced research classes, Dwight Radford is teaching how to research the British Isles (emphasis on Ireland) and our newest professional is H. Wade Hone with a speciality in Eastern Europe. We really feel blessed with their donations of time and energy. We have noticed a great deal of hope and diligent researching shown on behalf of the men. New avenues have certainly opened to them and we see a greater desire on their part to become more professional in their behavior and outlook toward the future.

If any of the other centers have duplicates in the way of books or genealogy magazines they would be willing to share, you might encourage them to share them with us. All the centers are in need of information in the centers.  They could contact us and we would come and pick up any orphans needing a well deserving home.

We still are doing extraction in several languages, repaging and original research. We have four centers up and running now and all are so busy that we often have to turn away patrons because we are too full and no more computers left.

Also if anyone would like to join our ranks in helping these patrons learn how to do original research we would be happy to talk to them. Currently we have thirty-two couples and five singles working in the South Point Family History Center with many others serving in the other three centers. Many volunteers who started on eighteen to twenty-four months missions have opted to continue serving as many as ten years past their original assignment date because once the wonderful spirit that resides there "grabs" hold of our volunteers they don't want to quit.

It is interesting to see all the work being done in other centers and feel that others are working just as diligently on "the other side" to help us find them.

Thank you again,

Elder and Sister Arnold
Directors of the SPFHC

(From Westras:  write or call us for Elder and Sister Arnold's contact information)