A 2nd Year's Worth of  Quotes on Strengthening Our Families for the Ward Sunday Bulletin:


"So frequently we mistakenly believe that our children need more things, when in reality their silent pleadings are simply for more of our time."

President Thomas S. Monson - Ensign,  May 1994, 62

"We must recognize that the family is the cornerstone of civilization and that no nation will rise above the caliber of its homes. The family is the rock foundation of the Church. We therefore call on the head of every household to strengthen the family."

 Ezra Taft Benson, Counsel to the Saints, General Conference, April 1984

"The righteous molding of an immortal soul is the highest work we can do, and the home is the place to do it. ...When peace and harmony abound, the Holy Spirit will ever be present. The storms of the evil one can be stopped at the very entrance of our homes."

 Joseph B. Wirthlin, Spiritually Strong Homes And Families, General Conference, April 1993

"We desire that our people strengthen their families according to the pattern set by Abraham. We need to prepare all within our homes to serve beyond our homes, as calls and opportunities come to provide leaven for the world that wants for what we have."
The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p.338

"At a time when families all across the world are falling apart, let us solidify our own, let us strengthen them, let us nurture them in righteousness and truth."

 Gordon B. Hinckley, "True to the Faith," General Conference, April 1997



"In a world of turmoil and uncertainty, it is more important than ever to make our families the center of our lives and the top of our priorities. Families lie at the center of our Heavenly Father's plan.... We need to make our homes a place of refuge from the storm, which is increasing in intensity all about us. Even if the smallest openings are left unattended, negative influences can penetrate the very walls of our homes." - L. Tom Perry, "The Importance of the Family," General Conference, April 2003
"Faithful attendance at Church, together with careful attention to the needs of the family, is a near-perfect combination. In Church we are taught the Great Plan of Happiness. (See Alma 12:32.) At home we apply what we have learned. Every call, every service in the Church brings experience and valuable insights which carry over into family life." — Boyd K. Packer, "Parents in Zion," Ensign, November 1998, p. 23

"The fact that some members do not have functioning traditional families is no reason to move in a direction that would diminish or abandon family activities among those who can and should foster them. With the increased onslaught of forces that cause families to disintegrate, we ought to dig in our heels to preserve all that is great and good in the family. We are reminded that in times of tribulations, the Nephites were not fighting for a political cause, such as monarchy or power; rather, they 'were inspired by a better cause.' For 'they were fighting for their homes and their liberties, their wives and their children, and their all, yea, for their rites of worship and their church.' (Alma 43:45.)" - James E. Faust, "Where Is the Church?" Ensign, August 1990, p. 66

"The family is a creation of the Almighty. It represents the most sacred of all relationships. It represents the most serious of all undertakings. It is the fundamental organization of society." - Gordon B. Hinckley, "The Great Things Which God Has Revealed," General Conference, April 2005



"Family home evenings are for everyone, whether it be in a two-parent home, a single-parent home, or in a single-member family unit. Home teachers, we call upon you in your regular visits to encourage and revitalize the holding of family home evenings." - L. Tom Perry, "Therefore I Was Taught," Ensign, May 1994, 38

We have the choice privilege of strengthening families and influencing those who have been placed in our care, as well as those who have preceded us beyond the veil. Lest we think the task is too hard, be reminded that angels will be round about us to bear us up if we are willing to do our part. The promised blessings are almost more than we can imagine.

"We have been blessed by a prophet of God in our day as he said: 'We pray for you. We sustain you. We honor you as you bear, nourish, train, teach, and love for eternity. I promise you the blessings of heaven and 'all that [the] Father hath' (see D&C 84:38) as you magnify the noblest calling of all' (Benson, To the Mothers in Zion, p. 13)." - Joanne B. Doxey, "Strengthening the Family," Ensign, Nov. 1987, 92

"Do you spend as much time making your family and home successful as you do in pursuing social and professional success? Are you devoting your best creative energy to the most important unit in society—the family? Or is your relationship with your family merely a routine, unrewarding part of life? Parent and child must be willing to put family responsibilities first in order to achieve family exaltation."

Joseph Fielding Smith 
"Message from the First Presidency," 
"Ensign," Jan. 1971

"As people become adults, leave childhood homes, and become involved in immediate families, it is sometimes difficult to keep a close association with brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and other relatives. Yet these are among the very people with whom we hope to be worthy to inherit celestial exaltation. It is important to maintain family ties and associations."

Theodore M. Burton 
"With Whom Will We Share Exaltation?" 
"Ensign," Aug. 1971, 33

When we understand the eternal role of the family, the nourishing and developing of strong family ties take on even greater significance."

L. Tom Perry 
"Youth of the Noble Birthright" 
"Ensign," Nov. 1998, 74


"Marriage—especially temple marriage—and family ties involve covenant relationships. They cannot be regarded casually. With divorce rates escalating throughout the world today, it is apparent that many spouses are failing to endure to the end of their commitments to each other. And some temple marriages fail because a husband forgets that his highest and most important priesthood duty is to honor and sustain his wife. The best thing that a father can do for his children is to 'love their mother.'"

Russell M. Nelson 
"Endure and Be Lifted Up," 
"Ensign," May 1997, 71

matters most is what lasts longest, and our families are for

(M. Russell Ballard, "What Matters Most Is What Lasts Longest," Ensign, Nov. 2005, 44)

"Our family-centered perspective should make Latter-day Saints strive to be
the best parents in the world. It should give us enormous respect for our
children, who truly are our spiritual siblings, and it should cause us to
devote whatever time is necessary to strengthen our families. Indeed,
nothing is more critically connected to happiness-both our own and that of
our children-than how well we love and support one another within the
family." M. Russell Ballard, Ensign, Nov 2005, 41


















