"When you have that Spirit, you are happy; when you have another spirit, you are not happy.
The spirit of doubt is the spirit of the evil one; it produces uneasiness and other feelings that interfere with happiness and peace."
George Q. Cannon  -  JD 15:375

        “In order to experience true joy in the morning, or at any time, at least three factors are needed. You need to feel good about the people with whom you live and work—your companions in life. You must feel good about yourself—not in any sense of conceit, but simply a proper esteem for yourself, well deserved. And possibly most important, you must feel good about your relation to God and sincerely love him.”
Russell M. Nelson, “Joy Cometh in the Morning,” Ensign, Nov. 1986, 6

"Pleasure is not the purpose of man's existence. Joy is."

David O. McKay

"The Lord has promised us that our joy will be great if we bring just one soul unto Him."

Elder M. Russell Ballard -
Ensign, Nov. 2000, 7

        "Obviously there is a great difference between feeling happy at a given moment and being happy for a lifetime, between having a good time and leading a good life."

President James E. Faust  -  "Our Search for Happiness" - 
Ensign, Oct. 2000, 2