Magnifying our Callings

"When we love Him, we will want to do all we can to build the Kingdom of God, to magnify our callings, and to strengthen those around us."

        "I played the piano for Primary for some time. I never thought about magnifying my calling. It was a snap. I didn't have to practice and I enjoyed the children. I had fun in Primary. Then came the sacrament meeting talk on magnifying our callings. For several days after that talk, I had the impression that I should pray about magnifying my calling. I resisted, thinking, 'I'm doing fine, I don't even have to practice. How can I get any better than this?'  But, when the impression wouldn't go away, I finally prayed about magnifying my calling as the Primary pianist. The thought came that I should use only the songs that were familiar to the children as prelude and postlude music. So I stopped playing all the songs that I thought were so fun and unusual and started playing songs the children knew. The children started humming the hymns they knew and seemed to be a little more reverent. I learned from that simple experience that every calling can be magnified if we aren't too proud to ask for the Lord's help."

Sandra Rogers, International Vice President at BYU
Women's Conference, April 2004