Additional Resources  -  Service:
"Five Loaves and Two Fishes"  -  James E. Faust  -  Gen. Conf. April 1994

"Increasing Our Compassionate Service",  May 1986 Ensign, p. 92.

"Service - The Essence of True Religion",  Alexander B. Morrison, BYU Dev., March 2000

"The Spirituality of Service"  --  March 31, 1990 Gen. Conf. address by Derek Cuthbert

"Small Acts of Service"  -  Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign, Dec. 1974 - First Presidency Message

"It's Service, Not Status, That Counts"  -  Neal A. Maxwell  -  July 1975 Ensign

“Sweet Service for Matthew,” Ensign, Sept. 2001, 52

“Selfless Service,” -  William R. Bradford  -  Ensign, Nov. 1987, 75

"The Weight of the World"  -  James D. Stice  -  BYU Dev.  -  2 October 2001