Additional Resources    --    Youth

Excellent Audiocassettes for Youth  (and their leaders):

1.         "Filling Your Testimony Tank"  -  by Brad Wilcox, 1999  (about 45 min. long)
2.         "What on earth are you thinking?"  -  by Brad Wilcox   (on controlling your thoughts)

3.         "Get an Attitude"  -  by John Bytheway          (having a good attitude)
4.         "Tour de Family"  -  by John Bytheway          (getting along with your family)
5.         "First Solo"           -  by John Bytheway
6.         "The Best Three Hours of the Week"             -   by John Bytheway  (on church attendance)
7.         "When I was Single"    -   by John Bytheway
8.         "What I Wish I Had Known in High School"   -   by John Bytheway  (book also)
9.         "What I Wish I Had Known Before My Mission"    -     by John Bytheway  (book also)

10.       "Thirteen Lines of Defense"     -     by Gene R. Cook          (Chastity)

11.       "Sex is Like an Apple"              -      by Brad Wilcox

12.       "Morality  -  Not a Joking Matter"      -     by Michael Christensen


Not all are available at bookstores and often they never make it to your library shelf.   Try putting them on hold at your library.  These are all available in the Salt Lake County Library System, if you live there, and will be brought to the county library of your choice from the 17 county libraries.


“ ‘Crickets’ Can Be Destroyed through Spirituality,”  - Ardeth G. Kapp - Ensign, Nov. 1990, 93

"Thinking Straight"  -  M. Russell Ballard  -  New Era, March 1985

"Resisting the Sirens’ Voices" -  President Eric B. Shumway - January 10, 2002 - BYU-Hawaii

Boyd K. Packer, "To Young Women and Men," Gen. Conf. April 1989, Ensign, May 1989,  p. 54

Henry B. Eyring, CES Conference, BYU, Aug. 14, 2001  -  “We Must Raise Our Sights”

Vaughn J. Featherstone  -  Oct. 1999 Gen. Conf. (his difficult home situation growing up and advice)

"A Message to the Rising Generation" -  Ezra Taft Benson,  Gen. Conf.  -  October 1977

“Marriage in the Lord’s Way, Part One,” - Cree-L Kofford - Ensign, June 1998, 7
“Marriage in the Lord’s Way, Part Two,” - Cree-L Kofford - Ensign, July 1998, 15