Found at Aspiring Community:

            Never Borrow Sorrow From Tomorrow

                                            Deal only with the present,
                                            Never step into tomorrow,
                                         For God asks us just to trust Him
                                           And to never borrow sorrow-
                                         For the future is not ours to know
                                               And it may never be,
                                          So let us live and give our best
                                                And give it lavishly-
                                         For to meet tomorrow's troubles
                                            Before they are even ours
                                             Is to anticipate the Savior
                                         And to doubt His all-wise powers-
                                           So let us be content to solve
                                            Our problems one by one,
                                           Asking nothing of tomorrow
                                            Except "Thy Will be done."

                                                                    Helen Steiner Rice