"Humanity will rise and fall through its attitude toward the law of chastity."

Mark E. Petersen (General Conference Report, April 1969, page 62)

"The surest step toward joy in the morning is virtue in the evening."

Russell M. Nelson (Ensign, November 1986, page 67)

Paul H. Dunn  (Gen. Conf, October 1981 "Teach the Why". Nov. Ensign, page 72)

        "To the young men who are here tonight I wish to say that the Lord has made it clear, and the experience of centuries has confirmed it, that happiness lies not in immorality, but rather in abstinence. The voice of the Church to which you belong is a voice pleading for virtue. It is a voice pleading for strength to abstain from that which is evil. It is a voice declaring that sexual transgression is sin. It is contrary to the will of the Lord. It is contrary to the teachings of the Church. It is contrary to the happiness and well-being of those who indulge in it.

        "You should recognize, you must recognize, that both experience and divine wisdom dictate virtue and moral cleanliness as the way that leads to strength of character, peace in the heart, and happiness in life."

Gordon B. Hinckley, "Reverence and Morality," Ensign, May 1987, 47-48