Thomas S. Monson shares this personal experience:

        Some years ago, I accompanied President Hugh B. Brown (1883-1975), a counselor in the First Presidency, on a tour of the Samoan Mission.  The members and missionaries in American Samoa had advised us that a severe drought had imperiled their water supply to the point that our chapels and our school would of necessity be closed if rain did not soon fall.  They asked us to unite our faith with theirs.

      Signs of the drought were everywhere as we left the airport at Pago Pago and journeyed to the school at Mapusaga.  The sun was shining brightly; not a cloud appeared in the azure blue sky.  The members rejoiced as the meeting began.  He who offered the opening prayer thanked our Heavenly Father for our safe arrival, knowing that we would somehow bring the desired rainfall.  As President Brown rose to speak, the sun was soon shaded by gathering clouds.  Then we heard the clap of thunder and saw the flash of lightning.  The heavens opened.  The rains fell.  The drought ended.

      Later at the airport, as we prepared for the short flight to Western Samoa, the pilot of the small plane said to the ground crew:  “This is the most unusual weather pattern I have ever seen.  Not a cloud is in the sky except over the Mormon school at Mapusaga.  I don’t understand it!”

      President Brown said to me:  “Here’s your opportunity.  Go help him understand.”  I did so.

(excerpt from Oct. 1999 Ensign, p. 4)