"There can be no equal to the peace of mind that always comes as the reward for obedience to truth."

Robert L. Simpson,  CR  10/67:19

      "Many good people promote peace by opposing war.  They advocate laws or treaties to abolish war, to require disarmament, or to reduce armed forces.  Those methods may reduce the likelihood or the costs of war.  But opposition to war cannot ensure peace, because peace is more than the absence of war."

"Peace cannot come by legislation or through affiliation with any political philosophy...Peace, joy, and happiness can come only through an acceptance of God's revealed plan of life."

Theodore M. Burton,  CR 10/71:75

       "Peace has been variously defined, but perhaps we might think of it as 'harmony within one's self, and with God and man.'"

President Marion G. Romney
First Presidency Message,  "The Price of Peace",  Ensign,  October 1983,  p. 3

        "The longer we are members of the Church, the better we understand the gospel, the more we will be inclined to be peacefully minded.  The more diligently we follow the teaching of Christ, the slower we will be to be angry with each other and the quicker we will be to forgive each other."

Theodore M. Burton,  Germany Area Conference Report,  Aug. 1973, p. 98

"Peace springs from righteousness in the soul, from upright living."

David O. McKay,  CR Oct. 1953, p. 133

"Peace will replace fear in men's hearts when they listen to the counsel of God's prophet and accept and follow the principles of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."

Franklin D. Richards,  CR  April 1966, p. 140

 "Happiness and peace are found  when we are in harmony with ourselves,  with God and  with our fellowmen."

 Barbara W. Winder

"Our closeness to the Lord will, in great measure, determine the peace and comfort and renewed strength that we feel as we invite the Spirit into our lives."

Robert E. Wells, "Peace", General Conference, April 1991

"...living the gospel of Jesus Christ is the price of--and the only way to--peace."

President Marion G. Romney
First Presidency Message,  "The Price of Peace",  Ensign,  October 1983,  p. 5

        "The Holy Ghost is the greatest guarantor of inward peace in our unstable world . . . It will calm nerves; it will breathe peace to our souls.

James E. Faust

"Peace, like charity, begins at home."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands."

Robert M. Persig

        "The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only element that will destroy the hatred that exists among people.  If they will bring this gospel into their lives and recognize the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man and the effects of the atonement of Christ, there will be a far greater measure of peace in the world.  We will not have peace until that happens more generally.  That is why we are here, brothers and sisters, you and I.  That is the objective of our work -- to teach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and touch the hearts of people so that they can look upon one another as brothers and sisters, as children of our Father in Heaven. "

Gordon B. Hinckley - Solihull, England, Aug. 30, 1995

        "Men may yearn for peace, cry for peace, and work for peace, but there will be no peace until they follow the pathpointed out by the Living Christ."

David O. McKay

        "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.   Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. "

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"When we have done our best, we should wait the results in peace."

J. Lubbock

        "I would that the healing power of Christ might spread over the earth and be diffused through our society and into our homes, that it might cure men's hearts of the evil and adverse elements of greed and hate and conflict. I believe it could happen. I believe it must happen. If the lamb is to lie down with the lion, then peace must overcome conflict, healing must mend injury."

Gordon B. Hinckley, CR Oct. 1988
(From the Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley

        "There is a price which is too great to pay for peace, and that price can be put in one word.  One cannot pay the price of self-respect."

Woodrow Wilson

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