The question was posed to find out if it is wrong to partake of the sacrament with the left hand:

From page 158 of Answers to Gospel Questions by Joseph Fielding Smith, he concludes a chapter on the subject with:  "It is a well established practice in the Church to partake of the sacrament with the right hand, and also to anoint with the right hand, according to the custom which the scriptures indicate is, and always was, approved by divine injunction."

Page 157:
. . ."there are numerous passages in the scriptures referring to the right hand, indicating that it is a symbol of righteousness and was used in the making of covenants.

Page 156:   "The showing favor to the right hand or side in not something invented by man but was revealed from the heavens in the beginning."

        And in the first paragraph he replied that questions  "of this nature are occasionally received.  In one case they were informed that some brethren were advocating the partaking of the sacrament with either hand....therefore, it is expedient that something be said about the use of the right hand in performing ordinations and partaking of the sacrament."

     "The performing of ordinances with the right hand in preference to the left is a well-established custom universally and is not confined to the Church...This custom has come down from the beginning, and from many scriptural passages we gather that it has always received divine sanction.

Genesis24:2; Ibid., 48:13-19; Exodus 15:6; See ibid., 29:20-21
Isaiah 41:10, 13; Ibid., 43: 12-13; Psalm 110:1; Matthew 22:44

     "There are numerous passages in the scriptures referring to the right hand, indicating that it is a symbol of righteousness and was used in the making of covenants.

Matthew 25:31-46; Ibid.,26:63-64; Acts 7:55.
