Quotes About Sin:
        "The suffering that results from sin is most tragic because through our own choices, we can choose to avoid it.  We have that power."
Jack Goaslind, CR, April 1986 "Happiness"

   "Sin is the real self-sacrifice."

                                                                                                   Lord Avebury


“SIN will  ALWAYS  result in suffering.   It may come sooner,  or it may come later, but  it will come.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard


        "For the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may walk guiltless before God--I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants."      [Mosiah 4:26]


 Richard L. Evans:
        "But no matter what everybody does, an error is still an error even though it is multiplied millions of times.  So is an evil, and it doesn't matter how popular or how glamorous or how universal evils become, they are still evils.  Some evils have been made very glamorous, very appealing and very
popular, but we must be aware of the fact that they are still what they are, regardless of who partakes of them or what they are called, or what appearance they assume.  History has proved many times over that the opinion of one man who knows and who knows that he knows, the opinion of one man who
has the truth and proclaims it, is much more important than the opinions of many millions who don't know."
"Conference Report", October 1948, p.63
"Is it progress if a cannibal uses a fork?"

Stanislaw J. Lec


        "I have an incurable, fatal disease.  My doctor has given me a maintenance program that holds it in check.  As long as I stick to the program, the disease does not progress and I am able to function quite well.  When I don't maintain the program, things begin to fall apart and I digress very rapidly.
        My disease is sin and my doctor is the Lord Jesus Christ.  My program of maintenance is found throughout the Scriptures."


"One sin opens the door for another. "

German Proverb


        "In the Book of Mormon we read that 'despair cometh because of iniquity.' (Moro. 10:22.)  'When I do good I feel good,' said Abraham Lincoln, 'and when I do bad I feel bad.'  Sin pulls a man down into
despondency and despair.  While a man may take some temporary pleasure in sin, the end result is unhappiness.  'Wickedness never was happiness.' (A1. 41:10.)  Sin creates disharmony with God and is depressing to the spirit.  Therefore, a man would do well to examine himself to see that he is in harmony with all of God's laws.  Every law kept brings a particular blessing.  Every law broken brings a particular blight.  Those who are heavy laden with despair should come unto the Lord, for his yoke is easy and his burden is light. (See Matt. 11:28-30.)"

Ezra Taft Benson  -  "Conference Report," Oct. 1974, pp. 90-91

        "Alma said it well. He had tasted the bitterness of a sinful life and of spiritual rebellion, so he knew well what he was saying - 'Wickedness never was happiness.' (Alma 41:10.) And since happiness brings peace, wickedness brings its antithesis - strife and turmoil."

Spencer W. Kimball  -  "Miracle of Forgiveness," p. 360

        "It says something about our times when you rarely see the word 'sinful' except to describe a really good dessert."
