STORIES for Children:
Stories from the Friend Magazine for Children:

"Brother Piper's Pie"  (Honesty, Lying)  -  April 1990 Friend Magazine

"Zack's Thanksgiving Tradition"  (Helping, Traditions)  November 1991 Friend Magazine

"Mr. Greevey's Pumpkins"  (Service, Helping Others)  October 1982 Friend Magazine

Mike's Magnificent Melons  (story about work, responsibility, following-through), July 1998, p. 15

"House Full of Heroes" (IDEA:  make cape with "H" on it--give cape and copy of story for children's
                            birthday parties or for Christmas gifts) (Nov. 1999 Friend Mag.)

"Claire and the Talent Show"  -  January 1982  (story about having no talent to share)

"Choosing Sides" (story of boys being chosen last to be on teams/considering people's feelings)1-93

"Danny's Own Lion's Den"   (dealing with a bully at school)  -  January 1994

"Gift From the Heart"   (story about generosity, giving to the poor and needy),  Jan. 1995, p. 40

"Why, It's Your Birthday, Bear!"    (animal story of friendship and sharing) - Feb. 1993

"Valentine's Day?  Gruuump!"    (animal story about friendship),  Feb. 1995, p. 20

"The Wise Son"

"Fireworks and a New Bike"  (about gaining a testimony/lessons learned from the scriptures)

"Pockets Full of Rocks"  -  Fiction Story from March 1985 New Era  (teaching forgiveness, etc.)

"Sunshine Club"   -    June 1994 Friend Magazine   (children helping others)