As a Man Thinketh / Thought Control  -  Quotes  1

"Thought is action in rehearsal."

~ Freud ~

Sign over an arch leading to a university campus:

"You are not what you think you are;  but what you think, you are."

"I realize that I will be, when my life's labor is complete, the product of my thoughts."

George Albert Smith

Spencer W. Kimball

Ezra Taft Benson

Arnold Bennett described concentration as:

"...the power to dictate to the brain its task and insure its obedience."


Neal A. Maxwell

Benjamin Jowett

Gordon B. Hinckley

"Ultimate human power is not in our possessions, but in our minds."

"If you don't believe in yourself, neither will anyone else."

Anne L. Horton, Ph.D.

"If I am not happy with me, other people suffer."

Neal A. Maxwell

 Winthrop A. Aldrich

Boyd K. Packer

"You write the laws, let me write the music, and I will rule your country."

Zig Ziglar

English Clergyman Edwin Paxton Hood,  The New Dictionary of Thoughts

Elder Rulon G. Craven, CR April, 1996, p. 106