Quotes on Worldiness, Materialism  -  4

James E. Faust:
        "Many years of listening to the tribulations of man have persuaded me that the satisfaction of all desires is completely counterproductive to happiness.  Instant and unrestrained gratification is the shortest and most direct route to unhappiness."

Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year, 1974,  p.  319

        “Men will spend their health getting wealth; then, gladly pay all they have earned to get health back.”

~Mike Murdock, God’s Little Devotional for Graduates, p. 284

        "Every man who has property and means should so live as to obtain wisdom to know how to use them in the best possilbe way to promote the welfare of his family and his fellowmen and in building the kingdom of God. "

Franklin D. Richards
There is no real happiness in having or getting, but only in giving."

   N. Eldon Tanner  (General Conference Report, April 1967, page 104)

            "Those who do too much for their children will soon find they can do nothing with their children.   So many children have been so much done for they are almost done in."

Neal A. Maxwell (General Conference Report, April 1975, page 150)

 "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

                                        Abraham Lincoln

   Definition of Status:   “Buying something you don’t need with money you don't have to impress people you don’t like.”

Dr. Eugene Swearingen, quoted in God’s Little Devotional, p. 32

           "Certainly what we are is more important than what we have or what is said of us."

Marvin J. Ashton (May 1979 Ensign, page 68)

        "Through the choices and temptations of this world, we often lose sight of true values and turn our hearts to wealth, careers, hobbies, persons, honor, pride and, worst of all, to the gratification of our own ego."

Hans B. Ringger  -  "What Shall We Do"  -   General Conference, April 1994
    "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value."
Albert Einstein

        "...Real success is not centered in wealth or position. Should one's prime interest be focused there, the means then become the end. That pattern is generally accompanied by an insatiable desire for more things and more power. True success comes from fulfilling the conditions of the Lord's plan of happiness, beginning, when possible, by being a good mother or father and by forming a solid eternal family. It includes serving honorably and in a trustworthy way. It results in producing something of lasting benefit. In short, when your actions are consistent with the teachings of the Lord, that is success...."
Richard G. Scott  -  BYU Commencement Address, 10 August 2000

“Deferred joys purchased by sacrifice are always the sweetest.”

"I have the greatest of all riches: that of not desiring them."

Eleonora Duse

"God recognizes only one justification for seeking wealth,
and that is with the express intent of helping the poor."

Hugh Nibley (Of All Things, 2nd Ed, Deseret Book, SLC, 1993, page 209)

        "Where money, rather than morality, dictates ones actions, one is inclined away from God.  Turning away from God brings broken covenants, shattered dreams, crushed hopes, and wrecked lives.  Such a quagmire of quicksand I plead with you to avoid.  You are of a noble birthright.  Eternal life in the kingdom of our Father is your goal.  Such a goal is not achieved in one glorious attempt; rather, it is the result of a lifetime of righteousness, an accumulation of wise choices, even a constancy of purpose."

(Thomas S. Monson, CES Fireside February 1999; see Ensign, May 1999, p. 118)

        "If money is your hope for independence you will never have it.  The only real security that a man can have is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability."

Henry Ford

    "'Tis very certain that each man carries in his eye the exact indication of his rank in the immense scale of men, and we are always learning to read it.  A complete man should need no auxiliaries to his personal presence."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

    "You can stand tall without standing on someone.  You can be a victor without having victims."

Harriet Woods

        "Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by the things you have for which you will not take money."

        "When we stand before the bar of God, there will be little mention of how much wealth we accumulated in life or of any honors which we may have achieved.  But there will be searching questions concerning our domestic relations."

(Gordon B. Hinckley, “Personal Worthiness to Exercise the Priesthood,”
Ensign, May 2002, 54)

"Are we not wealthy if the Lord has blessed us with something we can share with others?"

Howard W. Hunter (November 1985 Ensign, page 74)

        "Man does not live by a turkey in every oven or a color TV set in every home.  Man lives by faith and hope and love, by the star on the horizon, by the trumpet that will not call retreat.
E. Merrill Root

        "If more people really pondered how much is enough in their lives, perhaps there would be a lot more truly satisfied folks in this world."
Linda S. Anderson

"Once the game is over, the King and the pawn go back in the same box."

Italian Proverb

Topic: Overcoming Worldliness

        "The Lord revealed the remedy for such spiritual disaster when He counseled Emma Smith to 'lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better' (D&C 25:10).  And Christ provided the pattern, declaring prior to Gethsemane, 'I have overcome the world' (John 16:33; emphasis added).  The only way that we may overcome the world is by coming unto Christ.  And coming unto Christ means walking away from the world. It means placing Christ and Christ only at the center of our lives so that the vanities and philosophies of men lose their addictive appeal. Satan is the god of Babylon, or this world.  Christ is the God of Israel, and His Atonement gives us power to overcome the world.  'If you expect glory, intelligence and endless lives,' said President Joseph F. Smith, 'let the world go' (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith [1998], 243; emphasis added)."

 Sheri L. Dew,  "We Are Women of God,"  Ensign,  Nov.  1999,  p.  98

"A poor person isn't he who has little, but he who needs a lot."

German Proverb

        "We are free to choose the mortal perks with their short shelf life.  However, ahead lies that great moment when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ!  Then the galleries and the mortal thrones will be empty.  Even the great and spacious building will fall--and resoundingly!
Neal A. Maxwell, "The Tugs and Pulls of the World," Ensign,  Nov.  2000,  37

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