By Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin - of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

(Adapted from the New Era, Nov. 2000, 4)

        When I was a deacon, the ominous signs of the Great Depression began to appear. Tens of thousands lost their jobs. Money was scarce. Families had to do without. My parents were hardworking. They made every penny stretch as far as possible. That was probably the major reason everything they
gave me was always two or three sizes too large.

        I was 12 years old when I received my first pair of ice skates, so large
that I had to stuff a third of the toe space with cotton.

        When I took them out of the box, I looked up and said, "Mother, I can't skate with these."

        "Be grateful for what you have, Joseph," she'd say. And then, the phrase I had become so accustomed to hearing, "Don't worry; you'll grow into them."

        A year later, what I wanted more than anything else was football shoulder pads and a helmet. On Christmas morning, I opened my packages and there they were, shoulder pads and a helmet, except they were sized to fit Goliath--who, by the way, was six cubits or about nine feet tall.

        "Mother, they're too big," I said.

        "Be grateful for what you have, Joseph," she said again. "Don't worry; you'll grow into them."

        I think back on those days with some tenderness. Curiously enough, I also look back with tenderness to my dear mother's encouraging words, "Don't worry, Joseph; you'll grow into them."

        In a similar way, we all need to learn how to "grow into" our responsibilities. The Lord has His eye upon you. He loves you. He knows you. He knows your triumphs and your trials, your successes and your heartaches.

        He knows that at times you may look at the challenges you may face and may think they're too big to handle. He is, however, willing and ready to help you as you grow into the men and women you are to become.
