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The Home of Charles and May Evelene Richmond Whitnah, by Charles Scott Whitnah (cont.)

My parents were actively engaged in the leadership of a Sunday School at the, "Dan Brown Church" near their home. Father was superintendent of this school, but my impression is that it did not maintian a continuous activity.

In March, 1902, my parents moved to a farm southeast of Beaver Crossing which was a, "Flowing Well Farm." There is a strip, or valley along the West Fork of the Big Blue River, where there were natural springs of water, "Flowing Wells" they were called, and where artificial wells were drilled which were also free-flowing. They remain so to this day, but they are not continuously, free flowing, because of the lowering of the water table by so many wells. Originally the water table was three or four feet below the surface, but the water under pressure was some 60 feet below the surface, varying according to nature.

My first memories have to do with the incidents of moving to the Beaver Crossing farm. Some of the children were smothered by the efforts to keep them warm in the coops in which they were placed. I remember vaguely, getting out of the spring wagon and seeing the flowing well and the house. It was of two rooms, one of legs and the other frame. I remember being forbidden to play in the water which formed- and still does- a stream in which cress abounds. It is about forty degrees in temperature. It was a bit hard going that year, with wet weather, which hampered field work, and the construction of a new house. My parents had kept out enough money to build the house and barn.

The new house was the big event. It seemed very large to me. It was 24 by 28 feet, two stories, with a flat deck above a hip roof, and front and back, "Stoops" - this word is right from New England - neither of which boasted a roof at the outset. There were four bedrooms up stairs, one of which was to be the bath-room, but it never quite attained that dignity.

There were other events in the log house. My third birthday was the most important. On that day I wore my first pants and had my curls cut off; but the order was, first to have my picture taken- with those disgraceful curls; then put on my pants and have my hair cut. I also remember being upbraided by my (kind?) brothers, not to we those new pants!

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