Introduction to Rufus Sage's Rocky Mountain Life

Rufus Sage wandered in the Rocky Mountains from 1841 to 1843. He travelled extensively in the major fur trapping regions, and associated with trappers, traders, indians, hunters, and soldiers.

He published his journal of his travels in 1846. Unlike many contemporary journalists, Sage provided detailed descriptions of the everyday activities of the "mountaineers".

Bibliographical Information

Author:      Sage, Rufus, 1817-1893.
Title:       Rocky Mountain Life, or, Startling Scenes and Perilous 
             Adventures in the Far West, During an Expedition of
             Three Years.
Published:   Wentworth & Company, Boston, 1857
Notes:       Originally published as "Scenes in the Rocky Mountains", 
             by Carey & Hart, 1846.
This electronic transcription is of the 1857 edition, although the page numbers do not correspond and the plates from the original have been omitted. Some typesetting errors have been corrected.

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