My iPod

Right now, I'm sitting at my desk ripping CDs for my ipods...yes, that's in plural!

Editor's note: Donna has had an ipod shuffle - the little postage-stamp sized one - using it during her morning walks for a year now. Other than working thru the mechanics of CD ripping, I've had nothing to do with it.


A young friend at work recently gave me a functional but bunged-up dead-battery'd older ipod. Probably felt sorry for me...:-) I mailordered a battery & installed it - way cheaper than sending it back to Apple for 4 times as much! Need to go to a bulk plastics place & get some polishing stuff to buff out the scuffs on the viewing window.

After installing the battery, I did a reset which promptly made all the music already inside of it unreachable from itunes. Fortunately, good old Linux found it all so I copied it to my computer, only I have to rearrange by hand. Well, that's ok since I have to delete most of it. My generous friend had little in common with my music taste.


Same week, Donna was at her annual diabetes educator convention in WashDC & "won" me a brand spanking new PINK 8 Gbyte ipod nano at a silent auction benefit deal.

2 IPODs:

Ok, to recap - that's going from absolutely none to 2 ipods in a week's time.

Who Needs An IPOD?

Now, becoming [already being?] a certified old fart, I don't bother playing music a whole lot any more. Radio is full of commercials that are broadcast at such greater gain [i.e. volume] than the music they broadcast; my old hairy ears can't take that anymore. So, if I'm not listening to NPR on my way to/from work, I don't turn the damn thing on at all. Hell, I can do the 5 hours from Albuquerque to La Veta just listening to the tinnitus my own head creates & watching for herds of antelope! I'm perfectly entertained.

[Ok, we do listen to the occassional audio book, but Donna mostly sleeps thru them.]

Well, me, I answer the question!

So, now I own 2 ipods & I feel compelled to use them. Especially since one was a gift from Donna & I don't want to discourage her gift giving.

To date I have:

Right now, I have my old ipod connected to my desktop computer's firewire plug for power, playing Crosby Stills Nash & Young's Woodstock song thru a funky little speaker that is getting power from my desktop computer's USB plug as I rip Utah Phillips' album "Good Though", the album notorious to the cogniscente [& there aren't many of us! :-] for his telling of the tale Moose Turd Pie.

Definitely have more to do. Yeah, a lot more to do...

[walk to CD rack to get another stack to rip]

HEY! What the HELL?

Where's my Steeley Dan & Eurythmics collections???

My Doobie Brothers!!!


Sure hope there's a used CD emporium here in Albuquerque!

Used CDs
Record Roundup (505) 881-9877 2529 San Mateo Blvd NE San Mateo between I40 & Menaul Krazy Kat CDs Tapes Records & DVDs (505) 294-5644 9012 Central SE Central east of Wyoming Natural Sound (505) 255-8295 3422 Central Ave SE Central & Carlisle, SW corner
Plastic Supply Inc. 505-884-0507 2109 Candelaria NE Candelaria & Princeton, just east of I25

[...time has passed...]

I recently ripped some casette tapes from my olden days. One is a recording made from a 78 rpm record of a "crepitation contest" except it really sounds like "trepitation" as pronounced by the Brit contest announcer. The contestants are Lord Windesmere, a Brit & the defending champion, & Paul Boomer the Australian challenger. I need to filter electronic & mechanical noise out of the recording which means I have to learn a lot more than I want to about sound filtration.

The casette recording has its own story: my cousin & I were hanging out one pre-CD day making various casette recordings of favorite vinyl albums for use in our vehicles. We probably were drinking Wild Turkey whiskey or something similar at the time.

His turntable didn't playback 78 rpm, so we improvised. He had an ancient portable "record player" that played 78 rpm & 45 rpm monaural. Its drive belt was so stretched that it didn't maintain a consistent rate of revolution, so we pounded a [several penny] nail thru its deck to extend the "stretch". Fortunately the drive motor was powerful enough such that there was no discernible effect from the drive belt slipping around the nail.

I don't recall how we wired the record player's "needle" output to his stereo system - might have just connected the speaker wire to his receiver's input & took the chance. Did I mention Wild Turkey? Well, the recording session worked "certified good enough" for us.

A much cleaner playback can be found here, as long as this link works: contest/
but it doesn't have the history that mine does! This one sounds like it also came from a 78 rpm record, probably in better condition than the one we used. Yikes! While listening it ended abruptly with what sounded like squealing from a stuck pig! Don't know what the hell that's about...oh well.

Other casette tapes I ripped included:

Need to rip my other humor cds

Still haven't gone used-cd shopping...

[...more later...]

Well, I finally found my Eurythmics collection safely stashed in a travel case I have not used in years. My Dire Straits was there, too. I finally made my first playlist. Being a Linux guy [since 1993] I'm maintaining my ipod using

I can't find a way to configure amarok to find album cover art. It seems retarded in that respect. Don't know if gtkpod is smart enough to look for cover art; if so, can I configure it? Dunno...

[...still later...]

Robert Geer <>
Last modified: Tue Mar 3 19:18:24 MST 2009