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Mormonism and the Bible

What the Bible teaches about God
A list of Bible scriptures reveals the dark side of the Bible God

Mormon Jesus was Married
The Davinci Code says Jesus was married - so does Mormon doctrine

Was Jesus a real historical figure?
An examination of the evidence for a historical Jesus

Examining All the Evidence of a Historical Jesus
A close look at all of the references used to show Jesus was a real historical figure

The Bible condemns masturbation and homosexuality
Those without sin can cast the first stone

Using the Bible to condemn homosexuality
Bible arguments against homosexuality have been used to justify slavery

From Mormonism to the Messiah
Questioning abusive religious authority, including the New Testament Jesus

Introduction | LDS History | LDS Leaders | Mormon Temples
Mormon Sexuality | Commentaries | Church Parables | Useful Lists
Recovery | Joseph Smith Polygamy | Related Links

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