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Van HaleMormon Van Hale

K-TALK LDS Apologist Van Hale on Polygamy

Van Hale hosts his own Salt Lake area radio program called "Mormon Miscellaneous." On June 12th, 2005 Mr. Hale discussed Josph Smith's polygamy and defended his earlier statement that sexual access was not the reason for it.

Transcript of Van Hale's Explanation for his Statement regarding Joseph Smith's Polygamy

So I made that comment (about polygamy) back in September and Deconstructor responded and he said:

"Last night on your radio program you said the following in regards to Mormon polygamy" and then presents his version of what I said. And then he goes on and he says "In other words, you asserted that Joseph Smith’s polygamy had to do with a restoration of an ancient …"

So this Deconstructor is making a false and twisted and bizarre representation of my point of view in regards to Joseph Smith on the subject of polygamy and so I responded to him and let me read this response…

[Note: Van Hale doesn’t finish reading the email].

(Van Hale reads his reply to Deconstructor).

You completely missed my point….

At any rate, he [Deconstructor] went on to in these numerous references that he presents to demonstrate that there was a sexuality in polygamous marital relationships on the assumption that I am taking the position that no such thing occurred.

Well, my reply is this:

You completely missed my point and your references in no way apply. The common view of polygamy was to provide greater opportunity for a man to satisfy his sexual appetite. I’m not sure how you came to the conclusion that I think that Mormon polygamists did not have sex with more than one wife. But your conclusion is completely erroneous. It almost seems as though you are trying to twist my comments for some reason.

My point was that the main purpose of polygamy was other than sexual. I have never encountered an LDS source which established that sexual gratification was the purpose of polygamy. I assume you understand a man without marriage and children can have sex for gratification only, even taking precaution that no pregnancy occur. You even cite Jacob 2 which makes the point that raising up seed unto God is the main purpose, not providing greater sexual opportunity for men. You seem not to be aware of the fact that many plural wives did not have children and many did not have sex with their husbands. There were other reasons for plural marriage in Mormonism other than having children on this earth. Further, many women were sealed as plural wives to men for eternity only. If you are not aware of these facts let me know and I will supply the references.

The evidence supports the view that Joseph Smith had, at most, few sexual encounters with women other than Emma. There is not a single established descendant of Joseph Smith by anyone but Emma. Convincing evidence through DNA tests may yet identify descendants of his through plural wives but as yet it is difficult to explain how Joseph Smith would have had many children by his wives yet none was identified as such. To have been a son or daughter of Joseph Smith would have been considered a great honour. Why would this have been completely covered up by people who were strong proponents of polygamy? Why must we turn to speculation and very late second, third or fourth hand comments to claim that Joseph Smith had children other than those by Emma?

I am referring to some statements he [Deconstructor] made that are very late, second, third or fourth hand comments rather than the better evidence… (he doesn’t finish reading it).

My point here is that I made a statement, he misinterpreted my statement, I pointed out to him very clearly what my point was in my statement – I was not saying that there was no such thing as sexuality in Mormon polygamy – that is, of course, absurd to suggest that.

And yet even after this, at least two times since this time, this Deconstructor on the bulletin board has come back to this and insisted, again, at least two other times, there might be more that I didn’t see, but at least two other times, has insisted that I alleged that there was no such thing as sexuality in Mormon polygamy [he laughs] and then to make matters even worse, just to kind of demonstrate how something like this happens, even though it’s absurd to think that I would stand by such a position and even though I corrected this he insists upon it enough times that you have another individual, a very prominent poster on this site, Randy Jordan, who puts this on the bulletin board, oh about a week ago or so.

(Hale Reads Randy Jordan’s post)

Randy J. (early June 2005 on RfM):

Hale said on his show a few months ago (paraphrasing) that he had studied Joseph Smith’s polygamy practice for many years and that he had found no evidence that polygamy served to provide Smith with increased sexual opportunities. Hale’s attitude flies in the face of documentation from many of Smith’s closest friends and disciples which has been detailed by such LDS historians as Todd Compton and Richard Van Wagoner. Since many of Smith’s close loyal associates as well as many of his former plural wives testified that those relationships were sexual Hale is simply in intellectual denial of the facts re excerpts from Compton’s research.

So (laughing) what is happening is that you have someone like the Deconstructor in this arena insisting that on several occasions that I believe something that I don’t believe even after I corrected him in such a way that it seems impossible for him to misunderstand my point, my point simply being that the purpose for polygamy was not to provide additional sexual opportunities for Mormon males beyond that that monogamy provides. It was about the restoration of an ancient order and also the providing of a good husband for good women which exceeded the good men in numbers and to provide for the raising up of a righteous seed to God as mentioned in Jacob Chapter 2 but besides this, there were other reasons that were given for polygamy as we find in early Mormon history. There is not just one simple answer. But the one thing I never encountered was any argument from Mormon sources saying the reason for polygamy was that men could find greater sexual satisfaction and gratification. That simply was never presented as a reason; in fact, it would have been much easier, as anyone could well imagine, if that were the position that you can have sex with anyone you want to, if that were the Mormon position and if it was just for expanded opportunity for sexual gratification then why not, why bring the whole marriage concept into it and the having of children and the responsibility of large families and the support that all that required and so forth.

At any rate, my point, in spite of the fact that I think it was clear when I first stated it and I responded to this individual who misunderstood my position and still insists that I believe something that I don’t believe and then another individual who hasn’t demonstrated I think any common sense judgement in his assessment of this, has gone ahead and restated my position, falsely again of course, and so somebody who is participating on the bulletin board is in a position of hearing enough statements and hearing this reiterated over and over again that Van Hale believes something that he doesn’t believe but what is a person going to think? He’s going to think well I know what Van Hale believes about polygamy and it’s absurd that he would believe this; Van Hale has an absurd view on polygamy. Because the only thing they’re hearing is that which is coming from people with an extreme bias and an obvious desire to misrepresent and misinterpret my point of view.

So if you take this sort of thing that is happening, you know, I am talking from personal experience. This helps me understand as you go back into Missouri in 1838 how it is that people are saying Joseph Smith believed this, he believed that, this is what Mormons believe, when in fact it was not. That was one of the major complaints from Joseph Smith and other Latter Day Saints was that people were misrepresenting, twisting and distorting and fabricating falsehoods about their beliefs and views and that did certainly add a great deal of fuel to the fire that led to the Mormon War and the expulsion of Latter Day Saints from Missouri.

See Public Responses to Van Hale's Comments

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