Mormon Group





Start Your Own Mormon Transitions Group

If there isn't a support group in your area, you might consider starting one. Here's some tips on from someone who organized a successful group:

I am affiliated with the Southern Utah Post Mormon Chapter that I believe has a great recipe for spreading the word and offering support for those who are looking for truth, fellowship and support.

We are getting close to 60 people in attendance at our monthly meeting and it is growing each time we meet. Let me pass on to you what we are doing and four things that you may consider to achieve what we have.

1. Great Meetings

Wherever you are, join with others that live close by and start a support group that meets at a regular time at a designated place. For beginning groups, the meeting might be at someone's home, a public library or a restaurant. Because of our numbers we meet in a conference room at a hotel. Someone needs to take charge or be a moderator.

Our agenda goes something like this. We welcome the group, invite any new members to stand and introduce themselves, a 15 minute spot light on someone that has been asked ahead to tell their story, a 30 to 45 minute presentation on some item of interest by a good speaker, last and probably the most important part of the meeting is the fellowship and connecting that takes place after the presentation over light refreshments. Your agenda can be anyway you wish, but as your group grows your agenda will evolve with it.

2. Have a Library

At our meetings we set up a library/book store and offer books, tapes and publications for sell and for loan. We started off with a donation of funds for the books and keep adding more each month. A library is critical to our success.

3. Get the Word Out

We have an active public information campaign. We advertise our meetings each month in the local paper. Those who sign up for our e-mail list, get a reminder each month of the meeting plus other notices, some receive phone calls. Most communities have institutions that will list your Post Mormon group for free, like Chambers of Commerce, libraries and local phone books.

4. Have a Handout

We put together a brochure that gives our mission statement, list our meeting place and time, list our services and resources like favorite web sites, the top 5 books to read and a person to contact for more information. We are adding the names of a couple of professional counselors for those who may need those services. The brochure doubles not only as a handout but a mailer also.

5. Money

Yes, it takes a little money to get these groups up and running. Our expenses run about $300 a month primarily for the conference room that we rent and the ad in the local paper. A beginning group would be much less. We are now self supporting with the donations that we receive each month in our meetings. I look at the money this way. Instead of the 10% I use to pay, now I donate about 1% of my earnings to the cause of truth and helping others find their way.

You Can Do It

I sincerely encourage everyone to link up with those close by and start your own Post Mormon group. Many have already started. Even if there are only 2 of you, dig into your pockets to kick-start your group, or find a willing donor to help, share your stories, be organized, be professional, and don’t be afraid to advertise, post, e-mail, etc. and let others know what you are doing.

There are literally thousands out there in variously stages of questioning, doubting, hurting, and looking for new friends to share this journey with.

Our group has several couples with spouses on different levels, but some of those spouses have ventured out and attended our group meetings and they have been pleasantly surprised at the number of smart, intelligent and professional people in our group.

You can make a difference!

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