Onion Creek 2019

I organized a reprise of last fall's Fisher Creek / Onion Creek trip, this time as an official WMC car camp for April 13th-14th. This time, the side canyon had running water and the obstacles were more annoying, but we still managed to get as far as I did the previous time. Four of us (not including me!) were able to scramble up a narrow opening and ascend to the base of the Titan. We also checked out the upper part of the main fork of this canyon; we turned around at some obstacles that might have been less difficult if they hadn't been so wet. I guess fall is a more appropriate time to visit. We had plenty of fun anyway!

go to the Onion Creek gallery

On Sunday, we realized that over half of the group had never hiked the official Fisher Towers trail, so we introduced them to its glory (along with a few dozen Boy Scouts from Ogden). I already have lots of photos from that trail, so didn't take any more, which was foolish — every visit is different.

Instead, I took photos at the Sego Canyon ancient art site outside of Thompson Springs, which Steve D had alerted us to. I'm really glad that Steve mentioned it, because it's truly awesome: one of the best rock art sites that I've seen in Utah.

Many thanks to Paul, Stanley, Steven H, Kathy, Leslie and Steve D for making the trip extra enjoyable!

go to the Sego Canyon gallery