This is the place for the:


Family Genealogy.

This is the home of the descendants of: Joseph DEWSNUP and Ann DUNCAN

whose son John DEWSNUP and his wife Jemima TOPHAM emigrated from the Manchester, England area to Filmore, Utah, USA in 1864/5. Descendants are found in Utah, Idaho, Gridley Ca, Alberta Canada and Lancashire England. We are very anxious to contact anyone who has information on any members of this family. We are particularly interested in Family Histories or Diaries.

Explore the genealogy of the DEWSNUP family

. . . . . the Ancestors of Margaret DEWSNUP (Wagstaff).

Click on any of the PHOTOS to see an ENLARGEMENT. If you have a picture of any ancestor in this tree then please contact us so we can arrange to get a copy.

See and download images of Birth, Marriage, Death etc. certificates.

Read LIFE STORIES of the Descendants of Joseph and Ann or the daily diary of the trip from England to Wyoming, Nebr as recorded by George Finlinson

An explanation of this project and information about early members of the DEWSNUP family.

Help us solve some of the genealogy puzzles we have found.

Please Email Neil Wagstaff for more information about this family.

HOME links to all the genealogy on this site.

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