Test your limits while helping Habitat for Humanity

Richard Barnum-Reece 
2001 Story, Pictures &

Short Course Triathlon & Biathlon 
Benefiting Habitat for Humanity
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Summit & Wasatch Counties, Utah
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New Info ! ! !  Habitri 2002 Date, 
Saturday September 14, 2002
Park City, Utah
The day starts at 7:00 a.m. with registration and ends around 1:00 p.m. with a barbeque. 

This is a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity of Summit and Wasatch Counties.

You can be part of the cheering crowd as athletes swim, bike and run the sprint distance course. Itís free, and youíll see some of the finest athletes in the region.

If you would like to enter the Habi-Tri, you can enter either the triathlon or biathlon. Swim, bike and run on behalf of Habitat for Humanity of Summit and Wasatch counties.