IDWRWater District 29DLower Portneuf River
FormsWater RightMeasurment Rent WaterInformation Contacts

Navigation Buttons

If you require a form, look up your water right(s), or requirements concerning measurement from the IDWR, click on the respective buttons at the top of the page - "Forms", "Water Rights", or "Measurement". Also, access to the most commonly used forms are listed under specific subjects below. The other buttons are specific to Water District 29D - "Rent Water", "Information" and "Contacts". Questions: Email webmaster

March 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes - Click HERE

2024 Adopted Resolutions - Click HERE

** 2024 curtailment of your water use is contingent upon your priority date. Check frequently to view priority dates.

Click HERE for the current water call priority dates

Measurement Order

Anyone irrigating over 5 acres either from a single water right or in combination with other water rights from a shared diversion point (water rights combined equal over 5 acres), will be required to have in place a measuring and controlling device by irrigation season 2021. Measuring devices will be required going forward from 2022.

If you require a variance or extension of time to this order, click on "Request for Variance or Extension of Time Requrement to Measure Surface Water Diversion" to download the form. Print it, then follow the instructions to fill it out and mail it in.

IDWR Approved Flow Meters

A good source for flumes and weirs is IEI out of Logan, UT. A good source for headgates and corrigated pipe is Silver Creek Supply (Hal or Paul) out of Pocatello, ID. A good source for the installation of in-line flow meters is Pumpco out of American Falls, ID. A good source for pipe, meters and fittings is Pipeco on Poleline Road in Pocatello, ID. A reasonably priced licensed electrician is Steve Thompson (208) 840-0798. These companies and individuals have expertise with these devices respectively, but are listed here only as suggested sources for installation and/or purchase of the associated parts and material. There are other companies and individuals as well; however, make sure that they are aware of and can meet the specifications and requirements of the Idaho Department of Water Resources with their products and services. For information on requirements, specifications and approved devices from IDWR, click on "Measurement" or the Measurement button at the top of this page.

Water Right Ownership

If you require a change in water right ownership, click on "Notice of Change in Water Right Ownership" to download the form. If you need a change of a diversion point to your water right(s), click on "Application for Transfer of Water Right - Point(s) of Diversion". Open with Acrobat Reader, highlight fields, follow the instructions to fill out the form, then print and mail it in. Contact the Regional Office in Idaho Falls or the State Office in Boise for help on these forms.

Measurement Formula and Calculation Tool (Excel Spreadsheet)

If you have any comments or questions, fill out an Inquiry form or send an email to

IDWR and other water district and irrigation company websites of interest:
District 1
District 34
  Water District 1 Idaho Department of Water Rersources Water District 34  
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Big Lost River Irrigation District
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