hit counter code Journal


Journal for Sept. 29, 2009
Experience Awards: Next Session:
  Tuesday Oct. 13th
  6:30 PM

Unknown date, Hell
Renate - I hate this god forsaken place. Every time I start to make a difference or feel like I have a purpose, this mire of pestilence conspires to sunder my plans. Its not like I deserve better, but hope is a dangerous vice. Day in and day out I am surrounded by a cavalcade of inspired souls whose purpose is clear and direction unwavering. I don’t have the spirituality nor the patience to watch everyone around me killed in the name of something I can’t see or hear. I feel like they all have some invisible sun to bath them in warmth and light while I stumble in the dark pretending to understand the big picture.

For this same reason I find myself a spectator on another bloody battlefield. The leader of Spiritu Sancti has some kind of a vision a few days ago and now I find myself on some mission to escort some holy quest from the gate to our fortress. To make matters worse the gate is near a reclamation outpost. We have lived with our close proximity to the Lethe river for some time. Don’t drink of the water or you have your memories erased and find yourself lost in some eternal dream. The veterans here say not to stand in it if you have cuts on your legs. That is an invitation as well.

Too often good advise gets lost in the shuffle when you are fighting for your life. So now I stand surrounded by the corpses of my defeated enemies calf deep in the Lethe. The world moves in slow swirling echos. On the shoal to my left I see Brother Luke and Sir Guillermo DiFrasca. They are fighting a Marlith demon attempting to cross over to me before the archers behind me or the spell caster to my right see fit to open enough holes in me to let out my precious fluids.

A line of the damned trail off in the distance awaiting reclamation. From behind them I an make out a band of warriors moving carefully toward the spell caster. Are these the members of the holy quest? Is that a Madrigala. My god! now that level of immodesty you don’t see every day. Wow and that bald headed man looks good enough to eat. Oh please hurry someone I fell so helpless.

To be continued...



Unfinished Journal