hit counter code History
the World




HOUSE (family name) CITY
Hax (Imperial Bloodline) Hax
Hax (Imperial Bloodline) Florenta
Eldred Eldred's Cross
Wales Victorius
Avalon St. Capella
Novella St. Lucius
Dairn Mole'
Heitag Viletta
Dela Toro Torregidor
Lupo Domingo
Orlando Grenada
Papadopolous Ettenes (Thippus)
Greco Genova (Pela)
Athellia Hadrias (Thessalya)
Cabanera Runidor (Tenedor)
Quicksilver Angel's Reach
Blacke Astoria
Molinari Santiago (Madrigal)
Rivera San Maria (Madrigal)
Spade Notrenoc (Fertilium)
Forkiotis Tritonus (Capricia [Apoxus - Nessia])
Constantine Neptium (Capricia [Abraxus - Nessia])

IC 700 - IC 800 The "Enlightened Century." Throughout this 100 year period, universities and seminaries are founded throughout the realm;
IC 710 Hax Infinitum University of Magical Studies (Hax)
IC 769 The Carnelli School (St. Lucius)
IC 725 Helix Institute (Florenta)
IC 740 Torri Duo (Florenta)
IC 780 University of Hax (Hax)
IC 700 Hax Seminarium of Cuthbert (Hax)
IC 775 Archon Monastery (Mole')
IC 720 Seminary of St. Mark (St. Lucius)
IC 798 Universidad de Seville (Torregidor)
IC 791 The Theorum Mana Institute (Santiago – Madrigal)


IC 784 Rise of the Oroth of the Bloody Hand. This is the first Imperial realization that there is an organized Goblin culture, not simply scattered, wild bands.

IC 801 Birth of Laric the Archmage.

IC 812 "Miracle of San Maria." A trick of the light in the Cathedral of Domingo puts the image of the Blessed Virgin on a wall. The cathedral becomes a pilgrimage site.

IC 815 - IC 825 The fertile region of Madrigal begins to rapidly dry up. Within 10 years it is uninhabitable, the cities of Santiago and San Maria are lost to the desert, the ruling families of Molinari and Rivera are lost to obscurity, and the region is lost to the empire.

IC 871 Establishment of the Oroth of the Nine Fists. The ruthless and highly organized nature of this goblin dynasty creates the first ripples of concern in the Imperium over the growing strength of the forces of the Grimme.

IC 900 The Spade family, hereditary rulers of Notrenoc in Fertilium, builds Iron Tree Estates. It is a grand palace in the largest and most fertile plantation in Fertilium. So bountiful with agriculture is the region that the term 'Spades Feed the World' is common, and the family has tremendous wealth, power and influence at court. Whispers that the Spades employ slave labor (an outlawed practice) are quickly swept under the rug and ignored.

IC 940 - IC 976 The Goblin Clan of the Nine Fists begins with skirmishes with Imperial forces at the edge of the 300 mile territory in the Grimme. The guerilla-style engagements rapidly turn to open warfare, and over the years the goblins steadily push human forces back towards Hax, reclaiming the 300 mile zone.
IC 976 Hax falls to the goblin horde.

IC 978 Start of the 1st Crusade. Hax is retaken in IC 980.