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one of them had fixed on me what amounted to a sentient gaze. I was so taken aback that my countenance betrayed my surprise." She paused briefly, her face emoting the reenactment of her expression.

The friar was a man of the cloth, but he was not unmoved by the girls beauty. The expression across her face caused a stirring near his center. Cenzi drew deeply on his lungs to clear the distraction of his innate yearning. He had made no vow of chastity for his calling, but his talents could not operate effectively if he yielded to his base desires. Being many years this girls senior and having no benefit of comeliness he was content to know his place and not affront her virtue.

His natural aptitude for managing complex social matters was only useful when the matter did not concern or benefit him directly. Whenever a matter he wished to solve bore direct benefit to him, his judgement became clouded. This usually ended in some minor calamity. As his gift could not be used for his own direct benefit, he gravitated to an office where he could do the most good.

Cenzi returned his attention to the young paladin, his disquiet abated. She continued. "I brought my steed to a halt and tried to judge the meaning of the raven's gaze. In a moment the bird departed flying toward the keep." Gianna recovered her distant stare and moved her focus back to the moment. "Friar I fear that it is a sign, or perhaps an agent of Satan." Cenzi paused briefly before responding. He liked the attention it gave him and the seeming contemplation would give weight to his words. "My child. The Dark One is always among us. There is no place he cannot penetrate. Though he has areas of strength and weakness. Do not expect that our holy cause will prevent his ability to manifest here. In fact, we stand at the front lines of this conflict here on this very mountain. If he or his agents were not in attendance I fear we would be far from our calling. Take heart and continue to pursue him and root him out. You are well armed against him and need not fear his advances."

She gathered her cloak tightly around her and straightened her posture. Her poise returning like a sword to the scabbard. Thank you friar." she said and departed without delay.