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the World




NPC, Anna Mastiff


Anna Mastiff,
Chieftain's Daughter

Anna is second child to a Vorseman clan chief. Though she was born blind. She is gifted with second sight. Anxious to explore more of the world since here abduction, Anna is tenacious and willful. Her handicap is only evinced in her milky eyes.

Torre Duo's school of magic is the most prestigious school of wizardry in the imperium. Anna was accepted as a "Plebe" sophomore at the school after progressing through the entrance exam further than any first year in school history. She has earned a reputation on campus that keeps her classmates wary of her and upperclassmen from engaging in any hazing ritual.

Anna's acceptance to Torre Duo is largely due to her master Casper Lovato's urgings.The two of them made quite an impression on the school already.