hit counter code Silverhawk 2
the World






History cont.
Taengelwood was the first to leave home to follow her own course, and quickly became an elite Imperial Ranger. Silverhawk and her brother Skinner are following the same path; Silverhawk is at The Chalice now to complete the final part of her training [during the Quest.] Skinner, now 19, is finishing his training with his father.

Silverhawk is quiet and serious (she doesn't want anyone thinking she's just a 'silly girl' who can't handle herself.) although she enjoys laughing and is, after all, a 20 year old girl. She has much to learn about life and growing up. On the other hand, when it comes to hunting and slaying goblins, setting ambushes and silently stalking prey through the forest, she is old beyond her years. She moves so very silently, even when not intending to. She is mastering the bow, her preferred weapon. She has no experience in large-scale war or siege... her art is leading her in the direction of scout and ambush killer. Her animal companion, a hawk she named Errain, has been raised from fledgling and is trained to stand guard and hunt small game (mostly rabbits.)

Silverhawk has no disdain, but little use, for organized religion, though she absolutely respects the healing and divining abilities of clerics. She respects the forests and nature in her own way. Paladins and knights are a curiosity to her (charging through the open to engage in mass warfare, when it's so much easier to ambush from cover?) She has a mild mistrust for mages, whom she does not really understand. Rogues share some of her stealth and ambush philosophies, but she detests their untrustworthiness and the way they prey upon the innocent. Above all, she respects and feels kinship with other Rangers.

She is not afraid of dying. Her only true fear is disappointing her sister and father, and letting her companions down. For these reasons she is diligent in her training, and has a 'never-quit' attitude.